Chapter 1. Overview
MPC7400 Microprocessor Features
executed. Results from execution-serialized instructions executed by the SRU are not
available or forwarded for subsequent instructions until the instruction completes.
1.2.3 Memory Management Units (MMUs)
The MPC7400s MMUs support up to 4 Petabytes (2
) of virtual memory and 4 Gigabytes
) of physical memory for instructions and data. The MMUs control access privileges for
these spaces on block and page granularities. Referenced and changed status is maintained
by the processor for each page to support demand-paged virtual memory systems.
The LSU calculates effective addresses for data loads and stores; the instruction unit
calculates effective addresses for instruction fetching. The MMU translates the effective
address to determine the correct physical address for the memory access.
The MPC7400 supports the following types of memory translation:
Real addressing modeIn this mode, translation is disabled by clearing bits in the
machine state register (MSR): MSR[IR] for instruction fetching or MSR[DR] for
data accesses. When address translation is disabled, the physical address is identical
to the effective address.
Page address translationtranslates the page frame address for a 4-Kbyte page size
Block address translationtranslates the base address for blocks (128 Kbytes to 256
If translation is enabled, the appropriate MMU translates the higher-order bits of the
effective address into physical address bits. The lower-order address bits (that are
untranslated and therefore, considered both logical and physical) are directed to the on-chip
caches where they form the index into the eight-way set-associative tag array. After
translating the address, the MMU passes the higher-order physical address bits to the cache
and the cache lookup completes. For caching-inhibited accesses or accesses that miss in the
cache, the untranslated lower-order address bits are concatenated with the translated
higher-order address bits; the resulting 32-bit physical address is used by the memory unit
and the system interface, which accesses external memory.
The TLBs store page address translations for recent memory accesses. For each access, an
effective address is presented for page and block translation simultaneously. If a translation
is found in both the TLB and the BAT array, the block address translation in the BAT array
is used. Usually the translation is in a TLB and the physical address is readily available to
the on-chip cache. When a page address translation is not in a TLB, hardware searches for
one in the page table following the model deTned by the PowerPC architecture.
Instruction and data TLBs provide address translation in parallel with the on-chip cache
access, incurring no additional time penalty in the event of a TLB hit. The MPC7400s
instruction and data TLBs are 128-entry, two-way set-associative caches that contain
address translations. The MPC7400 automatically generates a TLB search on a TLB miss.