MPC106 PCIB/MC User's Manual
9.3 Error Reporting
Error detection registers 1 and 2 (ErrDR1 and ErrDR2) indicate which specific error has
been detected. Associated with these two registers, error enabling registers 1 and 2
(ErrEnR1 and ErrEnR2) are used to enable the latching of the error flags and the
corresponding error information which results in the assertion of MCP or TEA, provided
they are enabled.
ErrDR1[3] (60x/PCI cycle) and ErrDR2[7] (invalid error address) together with the 60x/
PCI error address register, the 60x bus error status register, and the PCI bus error status
register are used to provide additional information about the detected error. When an error
is detected, the associated information is latched inside these registers until all the error
flags are cleared. Subsequent errors will set the appropriate error flags in the error detection
registers, but the bus error status and error address registers retain the information for the
initial error until all error flags are cleared.
9.3.1 60x Processor Interface
The 60x processor interface of the MPC106 detects unsupported 60x bus transaction errors,
illegal L2 copy-back errors, and Flash write errors. In these cases, both ErrDR1[3] and
ErrDR2[7] are cleared, indicating that the error is due to a 60x bus transaction and the
address in the 60x/PCI error address register is valid. The MPC106 asserts either TEA or
TA (depending on the value of PICR1[TEA_EN]) to terminate the data tenure. Unsupported 60x Bus Transaction Error
When an unsupported 60x bus transaction error occurs, ErrDR1[1–0] is set to reflect the
error type. Unsupported 60x bus transactions include XATS-initiated transactions, writes
to the PCI interrupt-acknowledge space (0xBFFF_FFF
using address map A or
using address map B), and transactions with unsupported transfer attributes.
Unsupported transfer attributes include the illegal and reserved transfer types defined in
Section, “Transfer Type Signal Encodings.” Illegal L2 Copy-Back Error
The MPC106 does not support L2 cache copy-back operations to the PCI address space or
to the system ROM space. If the L2 attempts a copy-back operation to one of these address
spaces, ErrDR2[5] is set. Flash Write Error
The MPC106 allows data bus width writes to the system ROM space when
PICR1[FLASH_WR_EN] is set and PICR2[FLASH_WR_LOCKOUT] is cleared.
Otherwise, any 60x processor write transaction to the system ROM space results in a Flash
write error. When a Flash write error occurs, ErrDR2[0] is set.
The MPC106 accommodates only single-beat, data path sized (8- or 64-bit depending on
the configuration) writes to Flash memory. Software must partition larger data into