ColdFire CF4e Core User’s Manual
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Memory Map/Register Set
Operational Mode Field
Overflow/saturation mode. Used to enable or disable saturation mode on overflow. If set,
the accumulator is set to the appropriate constant on any operation which overflows the
accumulator. Once saturated, the accumulator remains unaffected by any other MAC or
MSAC instructions until either the overflow bit is cleared or the accumulator is directly
Signed/unsigned operations.
In integer mode:
S/U determines whether operations performed are signed or unsigned. It also determines
the accumulator value during saturation, if enabled.
0 Signed numbers. On overflow, if OMC is enabled, an accumulator saturates to the most
positive (0x7FFF_FFFF) or the most negative (0x8000_0000) number, depending on
both the instruction and the value of the product that overflowed.
1 Unsigned numbers. On overflow, if OMC is enabled, an accumulator saturates to the
smallest value (0x0000_0000) or the largest value (0xFFFF_FFFF), depending on the
In fractional mode:
S/U controls rounding while storing an accumulator to a general-purpose register.
0 Move accumulator without rounding to a 16-bit value. Accumulator is moved to a
general-purpose register as a 32-bit value.
1 The accumulator is rounded to a 16-bit value using the round-to-nearest (even) method
when it is moved to a general-purpose register. See Section, “Fractional
Operation Mode.” The resulting 16-bit value is stored in the lower word of the destination
register. The upper word is zero-filled. The accumulator value is not affected by this
rounding procedure.
Fraction/integer mode Determines whether input operands are treated as fractions or
0 Integers can be represented in either signed or unsigned notation, depending on the
value of S/U.
1 Fractions are represented in signed, fixed-point, two’s complement notation. Values
range from -1 to 1- 2
for 16-bit fractions and -1 to 1 - 2
for 32-bit fractions. See
Table 5-2
Round/truncate mode. Controls the rounding procedure used with fractional MAC, MOV.L
ACCx,Rx, or MSAC.L instructions.
0 Truncate. The product’s lsbs are dropped before it is combined with the accumulator.
Additionally, when a store accumulator instruction is executed (MOV.L ACCx,Rx), the 8
lsbs of the 48-bit accumulator logic are simply truncated.
1 Round-to-nearest (even). The 64-bit product of two 32-bit, fractional operands is
rounded to the nearest 40-bit value. If the low-order 24 bits equal 0x80_0000, the upper
40 bits are rounded to the nearest even (lsb = 0) value.See Section, “Fractional
Operation Mode.” Additionally, when a store accumulator instruction is executed (MOV.L
ACCx,Rx), the lsbs of the 48-bit accumulator logic are used to round the resulting 16- or
32-bit value. If MACSR[S/U] = 0 and MACSR[R/T] = 1, the low-order 8 bits are used to
round the resulting 32-bit fraction. If MACSR[S/U] = 1, the low-order 24 bits are used to
round the resulting 16-bit fraction.
Table 5-1. MACSR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.