Table 1. DSP16410B Block Diagram Legend
Data Sheet
June 2001
DSP16410B Digital Signal Processor
Agere Systems Inc.
Agere Systems—Proprietary
Use pursuant to Company instructions
4 Hardware Architecture
4.1 DSP16410B Architectural Overview
4.1.1 DSP16000 Cores
The two DSP16000 cores (CORE0 and CORE1) are
the signal processing engines of the DSP16410B. The
DSP16000 is a modified Harvard architecture with sep-
arate sets of buses for the instruction/coefficient
(X-memory) and data (Y-memory) spaces. Each set of
buses has 20 bits of address and 32 bits of data. The
core contains data and address arithmetic units and
control for on-chip memory and peripherals.
4.1.2 Clock Synthesizer (PLL)
The DSP16410B powers up with an input clock (CKI)
as the source for the processor clock (CLK). An on-
chip clock synthesizer (PLL) that runs at a frequency
multiple of CKI can also be used to generate CLK. The
clock synthesizer is deselected and powered down on
reset. The selection of the clock source is under soft-
ware control of CORE0. See
Section 4.17 beginning
on page 197
for details.
4.1.3 Triport RAMs (TPRAM
Each core has a private block of TPRAM consisting of
96 banks (banks 0—95) of zero wait-state memory.
Each bank consists of 1K 16-bit words and has three
separate address and data ports: one port to the core’s
instruction/coefficient (X-memory) space, a second
port to the core’s data (Y-memory) space, and a third
port to the DMA (Z-memory) space. TPRAM0 is
accessible by CORE0, TPRAM1 is accessible by
CORE1, and both TPRAM0 and TPRAM1 are accessi-
ble by the DMAU. TPRAM is organized into even and
odd interleaved banks for which each even/odd
address pair is a 32-bit wide module (see
Section 4.6
on page 43
for details). The TPRAMs support single-
word, aligned double-word, and misaligned double-
word accesses.
4.1.4 Shared Local Memory (SLM)
The SLM consists of two banks of memory. Each bank
consists of 1K 16-bit words. The SLM can be
accessed by both cores and by the DMAU and PIU
over the system bus (SAB, SDB). The SLM supports
single-word (16-bit) and aligned double-word (32-bit)
accesses. Misaligned double-word accesses are not
supported. An access to the SLM takes multiple clock
cycles to complete, and a core access to the SLM
causes the core to incur wait-states. See
Section on page 125
for details on system bus
4.1.5 Internal Boot ROMs (IROM
Each core has its own boot ROM that contains a single
boot routine and software to support the Agere hard-
ware development system (HDS). The code in IROM0
and IROM1 are identical. See
Section 5 on page 205
for details.
4.1.6 Messaging Units (MGU
The DSP16410B provides an MGU for each core:
MGU0 for CORE0 and MGU1 for CORE1. The MGUs
provide interprocessor (core-to-core) communication
and interrupt generation. See
Section 4.8 on page 45
for details.
96 Kword Three-Port Random-Access Memories (one for each core). Private code (X), data (Y), and
DMA (Z).
20-Bit X-Memory Space Address Bus. One for each core.
32-Bit X-Memory Space Data Bus. One for each core.
20-Bit Y-Memory Space Address Bus. One for each core.
32-Bit Y-Memory Space Data Bus. One for each core.
20-Bit External Z-Memory Space Address Bus. Interfaces DMAU to SEMI.
32-Bit External Z-Memory Space Data Bus. Interfaces DMAU to SEMI.
20-Bit Internal Z-Memory Space Address Bus. Interfaces DMAU to TPRAM0 and TPRAM1.
32-Bit Internal Z-Memory Space Data Bus. Interfaces DMAU to TPRAM0 and TPRAM1.
External Segment Address Bits Associated with ZEAB. Interfaces DMAU to SEMI.