REV. 1.03
Table 1: Description of the Microprocessor Interface Signals that exhibit constant roles in both the “In-
tel” and “Motorola” Modes................................................................................................................. 39
Table 2: Pin Description of Microprocessor Interface Signals—While the Microprocessor Interface is
Operating in the Intel Mode................................................................................................................ 39
Table 3: Pin Description of the Microprocessor Interface Signals while the Microprocessor Interface
is operating in the Motorola Mode ..................................................................................................... 40
Table 4: Register Addressing of the UNI Programmable Registers................................................... 55
Table 5: List of all of the Possible Conditions that can Generate Interrupts within the
XRT7245 UNI Device...................................................................................................................... 119
Table 6: A Listing of the XRT7245 UNI Device Interrupt Block Registers.................................... 120
Table 7: Interrupt Service Routine Guide........................................................................................ 122
Table 8: Alternate Functions of Port 3 Pins...................................................................................... 125
Table 9: Interrupt Service Routine Locations (in Code Memory) for INT0* and INT1*................ 125
Table 10: Auto-vector Table for the MC68000 Microprocessor...................................................... 128
Table 11: The Relationship between the contents of Bit Field 0 (UtWidth16) within the UTOPIA Con-
figuration Register and the operating width of the UTOPIA Data bus............................................. 147
Table 12: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 3 (CellOf52Bytes) within the UTOPIA Con-
figuration Register, and the number of octets per cell that will be processed by the Transmit and Re-
ceive UTOPIA Interface blocks........................................................................................................ 148
Table 13: The Relationship between the contents in bit field 5 (Handshake Mode) within the UTOPIA
Configuration Register and the Resulting UTOPIA Interface Handshake Mode............................. 151
Table 14: The Relationship between TxFIFODepth[1:0] within the UTOPIA Configuration Register
and the Operating Depth of the TxFIFO........................................................................................... 152
Table 15: UTOPIA Address Values of the UTOPIA Interface blocks illustrated in Figure 39. ...... 158
Table 16: The Relationship between the contents of Bit-field 5 (HEC Insert Enable) within the Tx CP
Control Register, and the HEC Byte Calculator’s handling of valid cells ....................................... 168
Table 17: The Relationship between the contents within Bit 1 (IC HEC Calc En) of the “Tx CP Control
Register” and the resulting handling of Idle Cells, by the “HEC Byte Calculator”......................... 168
Table 18: Bit Format of the TxCP Idle Cell Pattern -Header Bytes and TxCP Cell Payload Registers .
Table 19: Address and Default Values of the TxCP Idle Cell Pattern Registers.............................. 172
Table 20: The Relationship between the contents of Bit 4 (TDPChk Pat) within the Tx CP Control Reg-
ister, and the “Data Path Integrity Check” Pattern that the Transmit Cell Processor will look for in the
5th octet of each incoming user cell ................................................................................................. 173
Table 21: Frame Format of the PLCP Frame ................................................................................... 175
Table 22: POI Code and Associated POH Bytes.............................................................................. 176
Table 23: Bit Format of G1 Octet..................................................................................................... 177
Table 24: PLCP Frame Timing and Stuff Control Options.............................................................. 179
Table 25: Value of C1 for the 9 PLCP Frames, when the Fixed Stuffing Option is Selected......... 180
Table 26: The Relationship between Bit 3 of the UNI Operating Mode Register and the Resulting
“ATM Cell” Mapping Mode............................................................................................................. 184
Table 27: DS3 Frame Format for C-bit Parity.................................................................................. 187
Table 28: DS3 Frame Format for C-bit Parity.................................................................................. 188
Table 29: The Relationship between the content of Bit 2, (C-Bit Parity*/M13) within the UNI Operat-