REV. 1.03
Figure 89. Flow Chart depicting the approach that the ATM Layer Processor should take when reading
cell data from the Receive UTOPIA Interface, in the Single-PHY Mode. .......................................280
Figure 90. Timing Diagram of ATM Layer processor Receiving Data from the UNI over the UTOPIA
Data Bus, (Single-PHY Mode/Cell Level Handshaking). ................................................................281
Figure 91. Timing Diagram of ATM Layer processor Receiving Data from the UNI over the UTOPIA
Data Bus, (Single-PHY Mode/Octet Level Handshaking). ..............................................................281
Figure 92. An Illustration of Multi-PHY Operation with UNI devices #1 and #2 ...........................283
Figure 93. Timing Diagram illustrating the Behavior of various signals from the ATM Layer processor
and the UNI, during Polling. .............................................................................................................285
Figure 94. Flow-Chart of the “UNI Device Selection and Read Procedure” for the Multi-PHY Opera-
tion. ...................................................................................................................................................286
Figure 95. Timing Diagram of the Receive UTOPIA Data and Address Bus signals, during the “Multi-
PHY” UNI Device Selection and Write Operations. ........................................................................286
Figure 96. XRT7245 Transmit UTOPIA Interface Block Timing ...................................................290
Figure 97. GFC Nibble-Field Serial Input Interface (at Transmit Cell Processor) Timing ..............290
Figure 98. Transmit PLCP Processor—POH Byte Serial Input Port Interface Timing ...................291
Figure 99. Transmit DS3 Framer—OH Bit Serial Input Port Interface Timing ...............................291
Figure 100. Transmit DS3 Framer Line Interface Output Timing (TxPOS and TxNEG are updated on
the rising edge of TxLineClk) ...........................................................................................................292
Figure 101. Transmit DS3 Framer Line Interface Output Timing (TxPOS and TxNEG are updated on
the falling edge of TxLineClk) .........................................................................................................292
Figure 102. Receive DS3 Framer—OH Bit Serial Output Port Interface Timing ............................293
Figure 103. Receive DS3 Framer Line Interface Input Signal Timing (RxPOS and RxNEG are sampled
on rising edge of RxLineClk) ...........................................................................................................293
Figure 104. Receive DS3 Framer Line Interface Input Signal Timing (RxPOS and RxNEG are sampled
on the falling edge of RxLineClk) ....................................................................................................294
Figure 105. Receive PLCP Processor—POH Byte Serial Output Port Interface Timing ................294
Figure 106. GFC Nibble-Field Serial Output Port Timing (Receive Cell Processor) ......................295
Figure 107. Receive UTOPIA Interface Block Timing ....................................................................295
Figure 108. Microprocessor Interface Timing—Read and Write Operations, Intel Type Processors,
Non-Burst Mode ...............................................................................................................................296
Figure 109. Microprocessor Interface Timing—Motorola Type Processors (Read Operations)
Non-Burst Mode ...............................................................................................................................297
Figure 110. Microprocessor Interface Timing—Motorola Type Processor (Write Operations)
Non-Burst Mode ...............................................................................................................................298