82815 GMCH
Special Cycles
A Special Cycle is defined when REQa[4:0] = 01000 and REQb[4:0]= xx001. The first address phase
Aa[35:3]# is undefined and can be driven to any value. The second address phase, Ab[15:8]# defines the
type of Special Cycle issued by the processor.
Table 12 specifies the cycle type and definition as well as the action taken by the GMCH when the
corresponding cycles are identified.
Table 12. Special Cycles
Special Cycle Type
Action Taken
0000 0000
This transaction has no side-effects.
0000 0001
This transaction is issued when an agent detects a severe software error
that prevents further processing. This cycle is claimed by the GMCH. The
GMCH issues a shutdown special cycle on the hub interface. This cycle is
retired on the processor bus after it is terminated on the hub interface via
a master abort mechanism.
0000 0010
This transaction is issued when an agent has invalidated its internal
caches without writing back any modified lines. The GMCH claims this
cycle and retires it.
0000 0011
This transaction is issued when an agent executes a HLT instruction and
stops program execution. This cycle is claimed by the GMCH and
propagated to the hub interface as a Special Halt Cycle. This cycle is
retired on the processor bus after it is terminated on the hub interface via
a master abort mechanism.
0000 0100
This transaction is issued when an agent has written back all modified
lines and has invalidated its internal caches. The GMCH claims this cycle
and retires it.
0000 0101
Flush Acknowledge
This transaction is issued when an agent has completed a cache sync
and flush operation in response to an earlier FLUSH# signal assertion.
The GMCH claims this cycle and retires it.
0000 0110
Stop Clock
This transaction is issued when an agent enters Stop Clock mode. This
cycle is claimed by the GMCH and propagated to the hub interface as a
Special Stop Grant Cycle. This cycle is completed on the processor bus
after it is terminated on the hub interface via a master abort mechanism.
0000 0111
SMI Acknowledge
This transaction is first issued when an agent enters the System
Management Mode (SMM). Ab[7]# is also set at this entry point. All
subsequent transactions from the processor with Ab[7]# set are treated
by the GMCH as accesses to the SMM space. No corresponding cycle is
propagated to the hub interface. To exit the System Management Mode
the processor issues another one of these cycles with the Ab[7]# bit
deasserted. The SMM space access is closed by the GMCH at this point.
All others