to grossly different analog levels.
A subtle aspect of
Figure 12-5
is that the DAC capacitance is shared by all conver-
sions. This aspect results in the initial voltage on the DAC capacitance, just before a
sample period, being approximately equal to the voltage on the last channel convert-
ed. For individual conversions, this result usually does not produce any observable ef-
fect because the charge stored in the internal DAC capacitance is so small. Consider
what happens when a multiple-channel, continuous-scan conversion operation is oc-
curring (MULT and SCAN = 1). For an E-clock rate of 2 MHz, a particular channel is
sampled once every 64
s. Each time, the initial voltage on the DAC capacitance just
before the sample is equal to the voltage on the previously sampled channel. Over
15,000 times a second a small amount of charge is removed from or added to the ex-
ternal capacitance on the pin. The charge is restored by charging or discharging
through the external source impedance. For some values of external R and C, the
charge added during the sample time cannot be fully bled off through the external RC
before the next sample time occurs. This problem causes a stair-step building of
charge in the external capacitance that builds until an equilibrium is reached, in which
the amount of charge added during a sample time is exactly offset by the charge bled
off during the period between samples. This condition is a secondary effect, which sel-
dom results in more than an LSB of error (even in the most extreme case). After study-
ing the mechanism, it should be fairly easy to avoid problems from this effect by careful
choice of the external R and C values, by avoiding channel assignments resulting in
grossly different levels on adjacent critical channels, and/or by avoiding the multiple-
channel, continuous-scan conversion modes when a high-frequency E clock is being
Three types of cases must be considered, which result from the interaction of an ex-
ternal RC filter and the internal model of an A/D input pin. The method of determining
the error expected from a particular choice of external component values depends on
which of the three cases applies. Errors arise from leakage current acting through the
external series resistance or from system noise. If a very large external series imped-
ance is used, a problem can arise where the internal DAC capacitance cannot be prop-
erly charged within the 12-cycle sample time; however, errors due to simple leakage
through the external resistance usually do not allow using a large enough external re-
sistance to cause this effect. The following paragraphs describe the cases of interac-
tion of an external filter to the input model.
The first case arises when the external time constant is small compared to the length
of the 12-cycle sample period. In this case, all residual charge on the internal DAC ca-
pacitance is dissipated, and the pin settles at the expected voltage before the end of
the sample time. The problem with this case is that a filter with such a short time con-
stant provides very little filtering. In this case no errors result; thus, no calculations are
The second case arises when the external time constant is long compared to the sam-
ple period but is relatively short compared to the period between samples. In this case,
the residual charge on the internal DAC capacitance is redistributed to the external ca-
pacitance during the sample, but this charge is not dissipated through the external re-