MB90560 series
8/16-bit PPG timer (8-bit PPG x 6, 16-bit PPG x 3)
8/16-bit PPG timer consists of six 8-bit down-counter, twelve 8-bit re-load register and three 8-bit
control register. By using it as 8/16-bit re-load timer, it is possible to operate as an event counter.
By setting of 8/16-bit “L” width and ‘H’ width, it is possible to output a pulse with any cycle duty
8-bit PPG output operation mode
6 channels of 8-bit PPG output can be operated independently.
16-bit PPG output operation mode
3 channels of 16-bit PPG output can be operated independently.
8+8-bit PPG output operation mode
In this mode, Ch/0/Ch2/Ch4 can be operated as an 8-bit prescaler, in which an underflow
output of Ch/0/Ch2/Ch4 is used as a count clock for Ch1/Ch3/Ch5. It is possible to output any
cycle from any 8-bit PPG output.
PPG output operation
The 8/16-bit PPG timer can output pulse waveforms with variable period and duty ratio. Also,
it can be used as D/A converter in conjunction with an external circuit.
Waveform generator
The waveform generator consists of three 8-bit re-load registers, three timer control registers
and 8-bit waveform control register.
With waveform generator, it is possible to generate realtime output, 8/16-bit PPG waveform
output, non-overlap 3-phase waveform output for inverter control and DC chopper waveform
It is possible to generate a non-overlap waveform output based on dead-time of 8-bit timer.
(Dead-time timer function)
It is possible to generate a non-overlap waveform output when realtime output is operated in
2-channel mode.(Dead-time timer function)
By detecting realtime output compare match, GATE signal of the PPG timer operation will be
generated to start or stop PPG timer operation. (GATE function)
When a match is detected by real-time output compare, the 8-bit timer is activated. The PPG
timer can be started or stopped easily by generating a GATE signal for PPG operation until
the 8-bit timer stops. (GATE function)
Forced stop control using DTTI pin input
External pin control can be performed through clockless DTTI pin input even when oscillation
is stopped. (The pin level can be set by each pin or software.)