Preliminary Data Sheet
May 2001
TMXF28155/51 Super Mapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Agere Systems Inc.
18 SPE Mapper Functional Description
18.15.2 Loss of Clock and Loss of Sync Detectors
The SPE mapper detects and reports the loss of the input clocks for the transmit telecom bus clock, device pin
Table 148 on page137
); the 51.84 MHz transmit low-speed clock, device pin
TLSC52 (AC3), in bit SPE_TC52LOC (
Table 148
), and the external DS3 clock, device pin DS3DATAINCLK (J22), in
Table 148
). Loss of clock is determined by stuck high or stuck low for time T. The detection
time T will be greater than 10 μs but less than 125 μs. The function uses the microprocessor clock as its reference.
The device will report a change in the loss of clock state for the monitored clocks using bits SPE_TLSLOCD
Table 146 on page 134
Table 146
), and SPE_TDS3LOCD (
Table 146
), respectively. The
microprocessor interrupt may be masked using bits SPE_TLSLOCM (
Table 147 on pag e136
Table 147
), and SPE_TDS3LOCM (
Table 147
), respectively.
The SPE mapper detects loss-of-sync conditions for the telecom bus sync signals, device pins TLSSYNC52 (AD2),
TLSJ0J1V1 (AB4), TLSSPE (AB2), and TLSV1 (AB3). The loss of sync states are reported in bits
Table 148
Table 148
Table 148
), and SPE_TV1LOS
Table 148
), respectively. The device will report a change in the loss of sync state for the monitored sync signals in
bits SPE_TSY52LOSD (
Table 146
Table 146
Table 146
), and
Table 146
), respectively. The microprocessor interrupt may be masked using bits
Table 147
Table 147
Table 147
), and
Table 147
), respectively.
18.15.3 J1 Byte Insert
A 64-byte sequence stored in SPE_TJ1DINS[1
64][7:0] (
Table 163 on page 148
) will be inserted into the outgoing
J1 byte when bit SPE_TJ1INS = 1 (
Table 154 on page143
); otherwise, the associated POAC value is inserted
when bit SPE_TPOAC_J1 = 1 (
Table 154
) or the default value, determined by the value of microprocessor bit
Table 67 on pag e68
), is inserted when SPE_TPOAC_J1 = 0.
The CRC for the J1 trace has to be programmed into the J1 bytes by the user.
18.15.4 B3 BIP-8 Calculation and Insert
The B3 bytes are allocated for path overhead error monitoring function. This function is a bit interleaved parity 8
code (BIP-8) using even parity. The BIP-8 is computed before scrambling over all bits of the previous AU-3/TUG-3
frame, and is placed in byte B3 of the current frame also before scrambling. When enabled with control bit,
Table 156
), a single B3 byte can be inverted each time bit SPE_BERR_INS (
Table 156
) is
18.15.5 C2 Signal Label Byte Insert
When bit SPE_TC2INS = 1 (
Table 154
), the value in SPE_TC2DINS[7:0] (
Table 157
) is inserted into the outgoing
C2 byte; otherwise, insert the associated POAC value when SPE_TPOAC_C2 = 1 (
Table 154
) or insert the default
value determined by the microprocessor bit SMPR_OH_DEFLT when bit SPE_TPOAC_C2 = 0.
18.15.6 REI-P G1(7:4) Insert
Four bits of the G1 byte G1(7:4) are allocated for use as a path remote error indication (REI). For AU-3/TUG-3 sig-
nals, these bits convey the count (in the range of 0 to 8) of interleaved bit blocks that have been detected in error by
the BIP-8 (B3) detector on the received signal.
This function can be inhibited with bit SPE_TREIP_INH (
Table 155
) and the value in SPE_TG1DINS[7:4]
Table 157
) is inserted in G1(7:4) bits.
A continuous error in the G1 byte can be transmitted using control bit
Table 156
). A value of 0x03 will be inserted when SPE_TREIERRINS = 1, subject to
SPE_BERR_INS and SMPR_BER_INSRT being enabled.