Preliminary Data Sheet
May 2001
TMXF28155/51 Super Mapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Agere Systems Inc.
18 SPE Mapper Functional Description
The C2 byte is stored in SPE_C2DMON[7:0] (
Table 152 on page140
). This is updated after a number of consecu-
tive frames (determined by the value programmed in SPE_CNTDC2[3:0] (
Table 150 on page139
)) of identical C2
bytes, i.e., the 8-bit pattern must be identical for the number of frames in the programmed SPE_CNTDC2[3:0] prior
to updating SPE_C2DMON[7:0].
Whenever the contents of the C2 byte monitor SPE_C2DMON[7:0] changes, a delta bit SPE_C2DMOND
Table 146 on page 134
) is set and bit SPE_C2DMONM (
Table 147 on page136
) is the interrupt mask bit.
The SPE mapper maintains a programmable expected value of the C2 byte in SPE_C2DEXP[7:0] (
Table 151 on
page 140
). If the current value of the C2 byte (SPE_C2DMON[7:0]) does not equal the expected C2 value
(C2DEXP[7:0]), then a payload label mismatch (PLM-P) defect is declared and reported in SPE_RPLM
Table 148
). The change in PLM-P state is reported in SPE_RPLMD (
Table 146
) with an interrupt mask bit
Table 147
Also if the current value of the C2 byte (SPE_C2DMON[7:0]) is all 0s, then an unequipped (UNEQ-P) defect is
declared and reported in SPE_RUNEQ (
Table 148
). The change in UNEQ-P state is reported in SPE_RUNEQD
Table 146
) with an interrupt mask SPE_RUNEQM (
Table 147
Table 538. C2MON Processing
18.14.5 Path User Byte F2 Monitor
The SPE mapper monitors the path user channel in the F2 byte. The current value of the F2 byte is stored in
SPE_F2DMON0[7:0] (
Table 152
) after a number of consecutive frames (determined by the value programmed in
SPE_CNTDF2[3:0] (
Table 150
)) of identical F2 byte has been received, i.e., the 8-bit pattern must be identical for a
number of frames equal to the value of SPE_CNTDF2[3:0]
prior to updating SPE_F2DMON0[7:0].
Whenever the contents of the F2 byte monitor (SPE_F2DMON0[7:0]) changes, a delta bit SPE_F2DMOND
Table 146
) is set. The interrupt mask is SPE_F2DMONM (
Table 147
The SPE mapper maintains a history of the previous valid F2 byte in SPE_F2DMON1[7:0] (
Table 152
SPE_C2DMON[7:0] (
Table 152
SPE_C2DEXP[7:0] (
Table 151
SPE_CNTDC2[3:0] (
Table 150
Table 146
Table 147
Table 148
Table 146
Table 147
Table 148
Table 146
Table 147
C2 Current Data Monitor.
Expected Value of C2 Byte.
Continuous Times Detect Count Value for C2.
C2 Data Monitor Event Bit.
C2 Data Monitor Mask Bit.
Payload Label Mismatch State.
Payload Label Mismatch Delta Bit.
Payload Label Mismatch Mask Bit.
Unequipped Path State.
Unequipped Path Delta Bit.
Unequipped Path Mask Bit.