Preliminary Data Sheet
May 2001
TMXF28155/51 Super Mapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Agere Systems Inc.
18 SPE Mapper Functional Description
18.14.8 K3 Byte Monitor
The SPE mapper stores the current value of the K3 byte in SPE_K3DMON[7:0] (
Table 152 on pag e140
). This is
updated after a number of consecutive frames (determined by the value programmed in bits SPE_CNTDK3[3:0]
Table 150 on page139
)) of identical K3 bytes, i.e., the 8-bit pattern must be identical for a number of frames deter-
mined by the value of SPE_CNTDK3[3:0] prior to updating the K3 register.
Whenever the contents of the K3 byte monitor (SPE_K3DMON[7:0]) changes, a delta bit SPE_K3DMOND
Table 146 on page 134
) is set. The interrupt generated by SPE_K3DMOND can be masked off by the
Table 147 on page 136
Table 542. K3 Monitor
AIS-P and
RDI-P Detect
The SPE mapper monitors for path AIS in the H1 and H2 bytes (all H1 and H2 bits = 1) of the TUG-3 pointer. When
path AIS is detected, SPE_RAIS (
Table 148 on page137
) will be set to 1 after three consecutive occurrences. Any
changes to SPE_RAIS will be reported in SPE_RAISD (
Table 146 on page134
) and the interrupt can be masked,
using SPE_RAISM (
Table 147 on page136
A remote defect indication-path (RDI-P) signal indicates to STS PTE that its peer STS PTE has detected a defect
on the signal that it originated. The SPE mapper supports both the single bit RDI-P and the 3-bit enhanced RDI-P;
the mode is selectable using bit SPE_RPRDI_MODE (
Table 149 on page138
). When SPE_RPRDI_MODE = 0,
1-bit code is supported and when SPE_RPRDI_MODE = 1, 3-bit enhanced RDI-P code is supported. Three bits of
the G1 byte (G1[3:1]) are reserved for the RDI-P signal.
The SPE mapper monitors for a 1-bit RDI-P code in G1[3] bit or a 3-bit enhanced remote defect indication (RDI-P)
condition in the G1[3:1] bits and stores the current value in bits SPE_PRDIDMON[2:0] (
Table 152 on page140
The current value is updated after a number of consecutive frames (determined by the value of bits
Table 150
)) of identical G1[3:1], i.e., the 3-bit pattern must be identical for a number of
frames, determined by the value of SPE_CNTDPRDI[3:0] prior to updating SPE_PRDIDMON[2:0].
Whenever the contents of SPE_PRDIDMON[2:0] changes, a delta bit SPE_PRDIDMOND (
Table 146 on page 134
is set. The interrupt generated by SPE_PRDIDMOND can be masked off by SPE_PRDIDMONM (
Table 147
Table 543. AIS-P and RDI-P Detect
SPE_K3DMON[7:0] (
Table 152
SPE_CNTDK3[3:0] (
Table 150
Table 146
Table 147
Fault Location Current Consistent Value.
Continuous N-Times Detect (3
K3 Data Monitor Delta Bit.
K3 Data Monitor Mask Bit.
Table 150
Table 146
Table 147
Continuous Times Detect Count Value for G1[3:1] Bits (3
Path RDI Delta Bit.
Path RDI Mask Bit.