TMXF28155/51 Super Mapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Preliminary Data Sheet
May 2001
Agere Systems Inc.
17 TMUX Functional Description
Table 526. Signal Degrade (SD) Parameters
Note: The thresholds written by the control system will be one less than the desired number, except for the TMUX_SDLSET[3:0] and
TMUX_SDLCLEAR[3:0] parameters.
Signal Fail BER Algorithm.
A signal degrade state in register bit TMUX_RHSSF (
Table 91
) and change of state
indication is reported in register bit, TMUX_RHSSFD (
Table 82, starting on page79
), with the interrupt mask bit,
Table 86 on page88
). This bit error rate algorithm can operate on either B1 or B2 errors
selected with register bit, TMUX_SDB1B2SEL (
Table 95 on pag e95
). Each B3 monitor has its own bit error rate
algorithm as well with the failure indicated in TMUX_RSFB3[1
3] (
Table 92 on pag e92
Declaring the signal degrade state requires the definition of two measurement windows, a monitoring block consist-
ing of a number of frames in TMUX_SFNSSET[18:0] (
Table 121 on page117
) and a measurement interval consist-
ing of a number of monitoring blocks in TMUX_SFBSET[11:0] (
Table 121
). A block is determined bad when the
number of bit errors equals or exceeds a threshold set in TMUX_SFLSET[3:0] (
Table 121
). Signal degrade is
declared when a number of bad monitoring blocks equals or exceeds the threshold in TMUX_SFMSET[7:0]
Table 121
) for the measurement interval.
Clearing the signal degrade state requires the definition of two measurement windows, a monitoring block consist-
ing of a number of frames in TMUX_SFNSCLEAR[18:0] (
Table 121
) and a measurement interval consisting of a
number of monitoring blocks in TMUX_SFBCLEAR[11:0] (
Table 121
). A block is determined good when the num-
ber of bit errors is less than a threshold set in TMUX_SFLCLEAR[3:0] (
Table 121
Table 120
Table 120
Signal Degrade Ns Set.
Number of frames in a monitoring block for SD.
Signal Degrade L Set.
Error threshold for determining if a monitoring
block is bad.
Signal Degrade M Set.
Threshold of the number of bad monitoring blocks
in an observation interval. If the number of bad blocks is below this thresh-
old, then SD is cleared.
Signal Degrade B Set.
Number of monitoring blocks in a measurement
Signal Degrade Ns Clear.
Number of frames in a monitoring block for
Signal Degrade L Clear.
Error threshold for determining if a monitoring
block is bad.
Signal Degrade M Clear.
Threshold of the number of bad monitoring
blocks in an observation interval. If the number of bad blocks is below this
threshold, then SD is cleared.
Table 120
Table 120
Table 120
Table 120
Table 120
Table 120
Signal Degrade B Clear.
Number of monitoring blocks in a measurement
Table 78
Signal Degrade Set.
Allows the signal degrade algorithm to be forced
into the failed state (active 0 to 1).
Table 78
Signal Degrade Clear.
Allows the signal degrade algorithm to be forced
into the normal state (active 0 to 1).
Table 95
Signal Degrade B1/B2 Error Count Select.
Control bit, when set to a
logic 0, causes the signal fail bit error rate algorithm to use B1 errors; oth-
erwise, B2 errors are used to calculate the error rate.
Table 91
Signal Degrade BER Algorithm State Bit.
Table 82
Signal Degrade BER Algorithm Delta Bit.
Table 86
Signal Degrade BER Algorithm Mask Bit.