Data Sheet
June 2001
DSP16410B Digital Signal Processor
Agere Systems Inc.
Agere Systems—Proprietary
Use pursuant to Company instructions
4 Hardware Architecture
4.2 DSP16000 Core Architectural Overview
Table 2. DSP16000 Core Block Diagram Legend
4.2.5 Core Block Diagram
4.3 Device Reset
The DSP16410B has three negative-assertion external
reset input pins: RSTN, TRST0N, and TRST1N. RSTN
is used to reset both CORE0 and CORE1. The primary
function of TRST0N and TRST1N is to reset the JTAG0
and JTAG1 controllers.
4.3.1 Reset After Powerup or Power Interruption
At initial powerup or if power is interrupted,
a reset is
required and RSTN, TRST0N, and TRST1N must all
be asserted (low) simultaneously for at least seven CKI
cycles (see
Section 11.4 on page 280
for details). The
TRST0N and TRST1N pins must be asserted even if
the JTAG controllers are not used by the application.
Failure to properly reset the device on powerup or after
a power interruption can lead to a loss of communica-
tion with the DSP16410B pins.
4.3.2 RSTN Pin Reset
The device is properly reset by asserting RSTN (low)
for at least seven CKI cycles and then deasserting
RSTN. Reset initializes the state of user registers, syn-
chronizes the internal clocks, and initiates code execu-
tion. See
Section 6.2.4 beginning on page 246
for the
values of the user registers after reset.
After RSTN is deasserted, there is a delay of several
CKI cycles before the DSP16000 cores begin execut-
ing instructions (see
Section 11.5 on page 281
details). The state of the EXM pin on the rising edge of
RSTN controls the boot program address for both
cores, as described in
Section 5 on page 205
32-Bit Multiplier Input Register.
X-Memory Space Address Arithmetic Unit.
X-Memory Space Address Bus.
X-Memory Space Data Bus.
32-Bit Multiplier Input Register.
Y-Memory Space Address Arithmetic Unit.
Y-Memory Space Address Bus.
Y-Memory Space Data Bus.