Preliminary Technical Data
Rev. PrC | Page 60 of 76
ased on their
e output scale chosen, then the mantissas of
the I and Q data clip do not overflow.
Bit 6 is set, the value
ale the output. This ensures
cy during conditions that may
atting Option
output exponents are determined separately b
individual magnitudes. When this bit is 1, then the I and Q da
is a complex floating-point number, where I and Q use a singl
exponent that is determined based on the maximum magnit
of I or Q.
Bit 6 is used to force the output scale factor in Bits 3–0 of this
register to be used to scale the data even when one of the
floating point output modes is used. If the number was too large
to represent with th
Normally, the AD6652 determines the exponent value that
optimizes numerical accuracy. However, if
stored in Bits 3–0 is used to sc
consistent scaling and accura
warrant predictable output ranges.
Bits 5 and 4 choose the output formatting option used by the
RCF data. The options are defined in the
Table 27 and are
Table 27. Output Formats
Bit Value
Output Form
12-bit mantissa and 4-bit exponent (12 + 4)
8-bit mantissa and 4-bit exponent (8 + 4)
Fixed point mode
Bits 3–0 of this register represent the output scale factor of the
RCF. The scale factor is used to scale the data when the output
t mode or when the force exponent bit is
format is in fixed-poin
high. If Bits 3–0 are represented by RCF scale, the scaling factor
in dB is given by
For an RCF scale of 0, the scaling factor is equal to 18.
for a maximum RCF scale of 15, the scaling factor is equal to
+72.25 dB.
0xA5: BIST Register for I
This register serves two purposes. The first is to allow the
06 dB;
the channel to be
f I
e read through the microport in either the 8 + 4,
r 16-bit linear output modes. This data
the formatted RCF output or the
CIC5 output.
s to
oport. To
the Map RCF Data to BIST bit in the RCF
uld be set high. Then 16 bits of Q
microport in either the 8 + 4,
d when a BIST test is performed.
at addresses 0xA5 and 0xA6
l Register
ed to test the memories of the AD6652,
he output data from
data is mapped to
d Q.
r I and
he fixed-point output option is chosen from the RCF
these bits also set the rounding correctly in
0xA6: BIST Register for Q
This register serves two purposes. The first is to allow the
complete functionality of the Q data path in the channel to be
Test (BIST) section for further details. The second function i
provide access to the Q output data through the micr
accomplish this,
Control Register 2, 0xA9, sho
data can be read through the
12 + 4, 12-bit linear, or 16-bit linear output modes. This da
may come from either the formatted RCF output or the
CIC5 output.
0xA7: BIST Outputs to Accumulate
This 20-bit register controls the number of outputs of the
or CIC filter that are observe
The BIST signature registers
observe this number of outputs and then terminate. The lo
of this register also starts the BIST engine running. Details of
how to utilize the BIST circuitry are defined in the
User-0xA8: RAM BIST Contro
This 3-bit register is us
if a failure is suspected. Bit 0 of this register is written with a
1 when the channel is in sleep mode. The user waits for
1600 CLKs, and then polls the bits. If Bit 1 is high, then the
CMEM failed the test; if Bit 2 is high, then the data memory
used by the RCF failed the test.
0xA9: Output Control Register
Bit 9 of this register allows the RCF or CIC5 data to be mappe
to the BIST registers at Addresses 0xA5 and 0xA6. When this bit
is 0, then the BIST register is in signature mode and ready for a
self-test to be run. When this bit is 1, then t
the RCF (after formatting) or from CIC5
these registers and can be read through the microport.
Bit 5 determines the word length used by the parallel port. If
this bit is 0, then the parallel port uses 12-bit words for I an
If this bit is 1, then the parallel port uses 16-bit words fo
Q. When t
complete functionality of the I data path in
control register, then
Test (BIST) section for further details. The second function is to
provide access to the I output data through the microport. To
accomplish this, the Map RCF Data to BIST bit in the RCF
Control Register 2, 0xA9, should be set high. Then 16 bits o
data can b
the output formatter of the RCF.
Bits 4–0 are reserved and should be written low when
12 + 4, 12-bit linear, o
may come from either