2.1.1 Accumulators
The M68HC11 CPU has two general-purpose 8-bit accumulators (A and B). Accumulators A and B can be
concatenated into a general-purpose 16-bit double accumulator (D). Although most operations can use A
or B interchangeably, the following exceptions apply:
The ABX and ABY instructions add the contents of B to the contents of IX or IY, but there are no equiv-
alent instructions that use A rather than B.
The TAP and TPA instructions transfer data from A to the CCR, or from the CCR to A, but there are
no equivalent instructions that use B rather than A.
The DAA instruction is used to adjust the content of A after BCD arithmetic operations, but there is no
equivalent instruction for B.
Add, subtract, and compare instructions that operate on both A and B (ABA, SBA, and CBA) only op-
erate in one direction, making it important to place an operand in the correct accumulator.
2.1.2 Index Registers
The M68HC11 CPU has two 16-bit index registers (IX and IY). When an indexed addressing mode is used,
a 16-bit value contained in an index register is added to an 8-bit offset provided by an instruction to create
an effective address. The index registers can also be used as counters or as temporary storage registers.
Because of M68HC11 opcode mapping, most instructions that use IY require an extra byte of machine code
and an extra cycle of execution time.
2.1.3 Stack Pointer
The M68HC11 CPU stack pointer (SP) is 16 bits wide. The stack can be located anywhere in address space
and can be any size up to the amount of memory available in the system. Stack entries are byte-width. The
SP contains the 16-bit address of the next free location in the stack, rather than the address of the latest
stack entry. SP is decremented each time data is pushed on the stack, and incremented each time data is
pulled from the stack. The stack grows downward from high to low memory as it is filled.
2.1.4 Program Counter
The 16-bit program counter (PC) contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. The PC can
be initialized with one of six possible vectors, depending on operating mode and the cause of reset.
2.1.5 Condition Code Register
rupt masking bits (I and X), and a stop disable bit (S). In the M68HC11 CPU, condition codes are automat-
ically updated by most instructions. However, pushes, pulls, Add B to X (ABX), Add B to Y (ABY), and
transfer/exchange instructions do not affect the condition codes.
Figure 2
shows, this 8-bit register contains five condition code indicators (H, N, Z, V and C), two inter-
Figure 2 M68HC11 CPU Condition Code Register
S — STOP Enable
0 = Stop clock when STOP instruction is executed.
1 = Perform NOP when STOP instruction is executed.
X — X Interrupt Mask
Setting X disables interrupts from the XIRQ pin. X can be set only by hardware RESET or XIRQ ac-
knowledge. X can be cleared by a TAP instruction or by an RTI (when bit 6 of the value restored from
the stack to the CCR is cleared).
H — Half Carry Flag
Set when a carry from A3 or B3 occurs during BCD addition.