POSEN: Position Enabled
0 = Disable position.
1 = Enables the position measure on channel 0 and 1.
SPEEDEN: Speed Enabled
0 = Disabled.
1 = Enables the speed measure on channel 0, the time base being provided by channel 2.
QDTRANS: Quadrature Decoding Transparent
0 = Full quadrature decoding logic is active (direction change detected).
1 = Quadrature decoding logic is inactive (direction change inactive) but input filtering and edge detection are performed.
EDGPHA: Edge on PHA count mode
0 = Edges are detected on PHA only.
1 = Edges are detected on both PHA and PHB.
INVA: Inverted PHA
0 = PHA (TIOA0) is directly driving quadrature decoder logic.
1 = PHA is inverted before driving quadrature decoder logic.
INVB: Inverted PHB
0 = PHB (TIOB0) is directly driving quadrature decoder logic.
1 = PHB is inverted before driving quadrature decoder logic.
SWAP: Swap PHA and PHB
0 = No swap between PHA and PHB.
1 = Swap PHA and PHB internally, prior to driving quadrature decoder logic.
INVIDX: Inverted Index
0 = IDX (TIOA1) is directly driving quadrature logic.
1 = IDX is inverted before driving quadrature logic.
IDXPHB: Index pin is PHB pin
0 = IDX pin of the rotary sensor must drive TIOA1.
1 = IDX pin of the rotary sensor must drive TIOB0.
AUTOC: Auto-Correction of missing pulses
0 (DISABLED) = The detection and auto-correction function is disabled.
1 (ENABLED) = The detection and auto-correction function is enabled.
MAXFILT: Maximum Filter
1–63 = Defines the filtering capabilities.
Pulses with a period shorter than MAXFILT+1 peripheral clock cycles are discarded.
MAXCMP: Maximum Consecutive Missing Pulses
0 = The flag MPE in TC_QISR never rises.
1–15 = Defines the number of consecutive missing pulses before a flag report.