PENDSVCLR: PendSV Clear-pending
0: No effect.
1: Removes the pending state from the PendSV exception.
PENDSTSET: SysTick Exception Set-pending
0: No effect.
1: Changes SysTick exception state to pending.
0: SysTick exception is not pending.
1: SysTick exception is pending.
PENDSTCLR: SysTick Exception Clear-pending
0: No effect.
1: Removes the pending state from the SysTick exception.
This bit is Write-only. On a register read, its value is Unknown.
ISRPENDING: Interrupt Pending Flag (Excluding NMI and Faults)
0: Interrupt not pending.
1: Interrupt pending.
VECTPENDING: Exception Number of the Highest Priority Pending Enabled Exception
0: No pending exceptions.
Nonzero: The exception number of the highest priority pending enabled exception.
The value indicated by this field includes the effect of the BASEPRI and FAULTMASK registers, but not any effect of the
PRIMASK register.
RETTOBASE: Preempted Active Exceptions Present or Not
0: There are preempted active exceptions to execute.
1: There are no active exceptions, or the currently-executing exception is the only active exception.
VECTACTIVE: Active Exception Number Contained
0: Thread mode.
Nonzero: The exception number of the currently active exception. The value is the same as
IPSR bits [8:0]. See
“Interrupt Program
Status Register”
Subtract 16 from this value to obtain the IRQ number required to index into the Interrupt Clear-Enable, Set-Enable,
Clear-Pending, Set-Pending, or Priority Registers, see
“Interrupt Program Status Register”
When the user writes to the SCB_ICSR, the effect is unpredictable if:
- Writing a 1 to the PENDSVSET bit and writing a 1 to the PENDSVCLR bit.
- Writing a 1 to the PENDSTSET bit and writing a 1 to the PENDSTCLR bit.