PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Here are the suggested steps to be taken after every reset (software or hardware
reset) of an EQUAD in which the SIGX functional block is being used. This
procedure should be performed on each quadrant in the EQUAD.
Initialize all indirect registers (including TS0 and TS16). The data control
registers contained in PCSC for TS0 and TS16 should not be written to.
2) Perform the reset (software or hardware).
A software reset is performed by setting then clearing the RESET bit in
Register 00DH, 08Dh, 10DH or 18DH (depending on the quadrant). A
hardware reset is performed by asserting the RSTB pin low, then deasserting
The reset will make all the EQUAD's normal mode registers revert to their
default state as described in the EQUAD databook section entitled
"REGISTER DESCRIPTION." This default state enables the EQUAD to
operate as described in the EQUAD databook section entitled "Configuring
the EQUAD from Reset." Note that indirect registers contained in the SIGX
and PCSC are not affected by a reset.
3) Configure and enable the PCSC functional block for the self-test.
The method of accessing the indirect registers within the PCSC functional
block is explained in the EQUAD databook section entitled "Using the Per-
Channel Serial Controllers."
The PCSC should be configured as follows:
a) Set the IND bit in quadrant 1 Register 030H (0B0H, 130H or 1B0H for
quadrants 2, 3 and 4) to a logic one. This will enable access to the PCSC
indirect registers.
b) Program the PCSC indirect registers such that, for all channels, the Data
Control byte is equal to F5H. The IDLE Code bytes can be left (they are
don't-cares). This will configure the PCSC to insert μ-Law Digital Milliwatt
patterns into all channels, and to insert a signaling state of ABCD=0101.
c) Set the PCCE bit in quadrant 1 Register 030H (0B0H, 130H, 1B0H for
quadrants 2, 3 and 4) to a logic one. This will enable the PCSC to perform
the functions configured in step (b) above.
4) Configure the SIGX functional block for the self-test.