Communication Processor Module
4. Set the DR6 and DR7 bits of the PCDIR and the DD6 and DD7 bits of the PCPAR to
select the USBTXP and USBTXN pins.
5. Write DPRAM+500 to the EP0PTR and DPRAM+520 to the EP1PTR to set up the
endpoint 0 and 1 pointers.
6. Write DPRAM+540 to the EP2PTR and DPRAM+560 to the EP3PTR to set up the
endpoint 2 and 3 pointers.
7. Write 0xBC800004 to DPRAM+20 to set up the various status and DATA LENGTH
fields of the endpoint 0 TX buffer descriptor.
8. Write DPRAM+200 to DPRAM+24 to set up the TX DATA BUFFER POINTER field of
the endpoint 0 TX buffer descriptor.
9. Write BCC00004 to DPRAM +28 to set up the status and DATA LENGTH fields of the
endpoint 1 TX buffer descriptor.
10. Write DPRAM+210 to DPRAM+2C to set up the DATA BUFFER POINTER field of the
endpoint 1 TX buffer descriptor.
11. Write BC80004 to DPRAM+30 to set up the status and length fields of the endpoint 2
TX buffer descriptor.
12. Write DPRAM +220 to DPRAM+34 to set up the DATA BUFFER POINTER field of the
endpoint 2 TX buffer descriptor.
13. Write BCC00004 to DPRAM+30 to set up the status and length fields of the endpoint
3 TX buffer descriptor.
14. Write DPRAM+30 to DPRAM+3C to set up the DATA BUFFER POINTER field of the
endpoint 3 TX buffer descriptor.
15. Write CAFECAFE to DPRAM+200 to set up the endpoint 0 TX data pattern.
16. Write FACEFACE to DPRAM+210 to set up the endpoint 1 TX data pattern.
17. Write BACEBACE to DPRAM+220 to set up the endpoint 2 TX data pattern.
18. Write CaCeCaCe to DPRAM+230 to set up the endpoint 3 TX data pattern.
19. Write 20002020 to DPRAM+500 to set up the RBASE and TBASE fields of the
endpoint 0 parameter RAM.
20. Write 18180100 to DPRAM+504 to set up the RFCR and TFCR fields of the endpoint
0 parameter RAM.
21. Write 20002020 to DPRAM+508 to set up the RBPTR and TBPTR fields of the
endpoint 0 parameter RAM.
22. Clear the TSTATE field of the endpoint 0 parameter RAM.
23. Write 20082028 to DPRAM+520 to set up the RBASE and TBASE fields of the
endpoint 1 parameter RAM.
24. Write 18180100 to DPRAM+524 to set up the RFCR and TFCR fields of the endpoint
1 parameter RAM.
25. Write 20082028 to DPRAM+528 to set up the RBPTR and TBPTR fields of the
endpoint 1 parameter RAM.
26. Clear the TSTATE field of the endpoint 1 parameter RAM.