Table 14 shows the list of conditional jumps avail-
able to the μPSD3251F device user. All of these
jumps specify the destination address by the rela-
tive offset method, and so are limited to a jump dis-
tance of -128 to +127 bytes from the instruction
following the conditional jump instruction. Impor-
tant to note, however, the user specifies to the as-
sembler the actual destination address the same
way as the other jumps: as a label or a 16-bit con-
There is no Zero Bit in the PSW. The JZ and JNZ
instructions test the Accumulator data for that con-
The DJNZ instruction (Decrement and Jump if Not
Zero) is for loop control. To execute a loop N
times, load a counter byte with N and terminate the
loop with a DJNZ to the beginning of the loop, as
shown below for N = 10:
LOOP: (begin loop)
(end loop)
The CJNE instruction (Compare and Jump if Not
Equal) can also be used for loop control as in Ta-
ble 9. Two bytes are specified in the operand field
of the instruction. The jump is executed only if the
two bytes are not equal. In the example of Table 9
Shifting a BCD Number One Digits to the Right,
the two bytes were data in R1 and the constant
2Ah. The initial data in R1 was 2Eh.
Every time the loop was executed, R1 was decre-
mented, and the looping was to continue until the
R1 data reached 2Ah.
Another application of this instruction is in
than, less than
comparisons. The two bytes in the
operand field are taken as unsigned integers. If the
first is less than the second, then the Carry Bit is
set (1). If the first is greater than or equal to the
second, then the Carry Bit is cleared.
Machine Cycles
A machine cycle consists of a sequence of six
states, numbered S1 through S6. Each state time
lasts for two oscillator periods. Thus, a machine
cycle takes 12 oscillator periods or 1μs if the oscil-
lator frequency is 12MHz. Refer to Figure 12, page
Each state is divided into a Phase 1 half and a
Phase 2 half. State Sequence in μPSD3251F de-
vice shows that retrieve/execute sequences in
states and phases for various kinds of instructions.
Normally two program retrievals are generated
during each machine cycle, even if the instruction
being executed does
require it. If the instruc-
tion being executed does not need more code
bytes, the CPU simply ignores the extra retrieval,
and the Program Counter is not incremented.
Execution of a one-cycle instruction (Figure 12,
page 27) begins during State 1 of the machine cy-
cle, when the opcode is latched into the Instruction
Register. A second retrieve occurs during S4 of
the same machine cycle. Execution is complete at
the end of State 6 of this machine cycle.
The MOVX instructions take two machine cycles
to execute. No program retrieval is generated dur-
ing the second cycle of a MOVX instruction. This
is the only time program retrievals are skipped.
The retrieve/execute sequence for MOVX instruc-
tion is shown in Figure 12, page 27 (d).
Table 14. Conditional Jump Instructions
Addressing Modes
JZ rel
Jump if A = 0
Accumulator only
JNZ rel
Jump if A
Accumulator only
DJNZ <byte>,rel
Decrement and jump if not zero
CJNE A,<byte>,rel
Jump if A
CJNE <byte>,#data,rel
Jump if <byte>