2004 Mar 22
Philips Semiconductors
Objective specification
Low speed CAN/LIN system basis chip
Forced Normal mode. During this test the UJA1061
operates in Normal mode with disabled watchdog. All the
voltage regulators are switched ON. The CAN-transceiver
operates in Active and Automatic Fault-tolerant mode. The
LIN-transceiver operates in Active mode and this mode
canbeactivatedonlywithastableHIGH-level(12 V)atpin
TEST during the first battery connection. Leaving this
mode and entering the Normal operating mode will be
executed after releasing the TEST pin (level at 0 V).
Entering the Forced Normal mode again is possible only
by disconnection of the battery supply (BAT42) thus
forcing a new power-on period for the UJA1061.
The behaviour of the UJA1061 in Forced Normal mode is
as follows:
SPI access (writing and reading) is blocked
Watchdog is disabled
Interrupt Monitoring is disabled
Reset Monitoring is disabled
UJA1061 is held in Normal mode; any transition to
Fail-safe mode is disabled and the UJA1061 remains in
the mode in which the problem occurred; the only
undervoltage longer than 256 ms as self-protection of
the SBC
V1 is started with the defined Reset
(20 ms LOW-to-HIGH)
V2 is ON; undervoltage protection is still active, which
results in V2 switching OFF; V2 can only be switched on
reconnecting first the TEST pin and later the BAT42/14
CAN and LIN are in active mode and cannot switch to an
Off-line mode
V3 is ON; undervoltage protection is still active, which
results in V3 switching OFF; V3 can only be switched on
reconnecting first the TEST pin and later the BAT42/14
In the case of a V1 undervoltage, a reset will be
performed until V1 is restored (normal behaviour); the
UJA1061 stays in Forced Normal mode; in case of a
continuous overload at V1 (> 256 ms) Fail-safe mode
will be entered; V1 can be switched on again only by
disconnecting the TEST and BAT pins and then
reconnecting first the TEST pin and later the BAT42/14
Pulling pin RSTN LOW externally will not result in
leaving the Forced Normal mode, the UJA1061 will
ignore external resets; this is because the FLASH
programmer uses pin RSTN for other purposes (i.e. the
FLASH programmer uses the RSTN line for serial
communication entering/preparing the FLASH ROM
routines with special sequences)
No Reset Lengthening
Directly after pin RSTN is released, pin EN will go HIGH;
a LOW value on pin RSTN (but not an external LOW
value) will result in a LOW value on the pin EN; pin EN
stays active all the time during Forced Normal mode.