Data Sheet
March 2000
DSP1627 Digital Signal Processor
Lucent Technologies Inc.
4 Hardware Architecture
For additional power savings, set ioc = 0x0180 and tim-
erc = 0x0040 in addition to setting alf = 0x8000. This will
hold the CKO pin low and shut down the timer and pres-
caler (see Table 38 and Table 31).
For a description of the control mechanisms for putting
the DSP into low-power modes, see Section 4.13, Pow-
er Management.
4.4 Memory Maps and Wait-States
The DSP1600 core implements a modified Harvard ar-
chitecture that has separate on-chip 16-bit address and
data buses for the instruction/coefficient (X) and data
(Y) memory spaces. Table 5 shows the instruction/coef-
ficient memory space maps for both the DSP1627x36
and DSP1627x32.
The differences between the x36 and x32 memory
maps can be seen by comparing the respective MAP1
and MAP3. For instance, MAP1 of the x36 provides for
36 Kwords of IROM and 6 Kwords of dual-port RAM
(DPRAM), whereas MAP1 of the x32 provides for
32 Kwords of IROM, 6 Kwords of DPRAM, and
16 Kwords of EROM.
The DSP1627 provides a multiplexed external bus
which accesses external RAM (ERAM) and ROM (ER-
OM). Programmable wait-states are provided for exter-
nal memory accesses. The instruction/coefficient
memory map is configurable to provide application flex-
ibility. Table 6 shows the data memory space, which
has one map.
Instruction/Coefficient Memory Map Selection
In determining which memory map to use, the proces-
sor evaluates the state of two parameters. The first is
the LOWPR bit (bit 14) of the alf register. The LOWPR
bit of the alf register is initialized to 0 automatically at re-
set. LOWPR controls the starting address in memory
assigned to the six 1K banks of dual-port RAM. If LOW-
PR is low, internal dual-port RAM begins at address
0xC000. If LOWPR is high, internal dual-port RAM be-
gins at address 0x0. LOWPR also moves IROM from
0x0 in MAP1 to 0x4000 in MAP3, and EROM from 0x0
in MAP2 to 0x4000 in MAP4.
The second parameter is the value at reset of the EXM
pin (pin 27 or pin 14, depending upon the package
type). EXM determines whether the internal 36 Kwords
ROM (IROM) will be addressable in the memory map.
The Lucent Technologies development system tools,
together with the on-chip HDS circuitry and the JTAG
port, can independently set the memory map. Specifi-
cally, during an HDS trap, the memory map is forced to
MAP1. The user's map selection is restored when the
trap service routine has completed execution.
MAP1 has the IROM starting at 0x0 and six 1 Kword
banks of DPRAM starting at 0xC000. Additionally,
MAP1 for the x32 has 16 Kwords of EROM starting at
0x8000. MAP1 is used if DSP1627 has EXM low at re-
set and the LOWPR parameter is programmed to zero.
It is also used during an HDS trap.
MAP2 differs from MAP1 in that the lowest 48 Kwords
reference external ROM (EROM). MAP2 is used if EXM
is high at reset, the LOWPR parameter is programmed
to zero, and an HDS trap is not in progress.
MAP3 has the six 1 Kword banks of DPRAM starting at
address 0x0. In MAP3 of the x36, the 36 Kwords of
IROM start at 0x4000. Similarly, for the x32, 32 Kwords
of IROM start at 0x4000. Additionally, MAP3 for the x32
has 16 Kwords of EROM starting at 0xC000. MAP3 is
used if EXM is low at reset, the LOWPR bit is pro-
grammed to 1, and an HDS trap is not in progress. Note
that this map is not available if the secure mask-pro-
grammable option has been ordered.
MAP4 differs from MAP3 in that addresses above
0x4000 reference external ROM (EROM). This map is
used if the LOWPR bit is programmed to 1, an HDS trap
is not in progress, and, either EXM is high during reset,
or the secure mask-programmable option has been or-
Whenever the chip is reset using the RSTB pin, the de-
fault memory map will be MAP1 or MAP2, depending
upon the state of the EXM pin at reset. A reset through
the HDS will not reinitialize the alf register, so the previ-
ous memory map is retained.
Boot from External ROM
After RSTB goes from low to high, the DSP1627 comes
out of reset and fetches an instruction from address
zero of the instruction/coefficient space. The physical
location of address zero is determined by the memory
map in effect. If EXM is high at the rising edge of RSTB,
MAP2 is selected. MAP2 has EROM at location zero;
thus, program execution begins from external memory.
If EXM is high and INT1 is low when RSTB rises, the
mwait register defaults to 15 wait-states for all external
memory segments. If INT1 is high, the mwait register
defaults to 0 wait-states.