Data Sheet
March 2000
DSP1627 Digital Signal Processor
Lucent Technologies Inc.
13 Crystal Electrical Characteristics and Requirements
If the option for using the external crystal is chosen, the following electrical characteristics and requirements apply.
13.1 External Components for the Crystal Oscillator
The crystal oscillator is enabled by connecting a crystal across CKI and CKI2, along with one external capacitor from
each of these pins to ground (see Figure 83). For most applications, 10 pF external capacitors are recommended;
however, larger values allow for better frequency precision (see Section 13.4, Frequency Accuracy Considerations).
The crystal should be either fundamental or overtone mode, parallel resonant, with a rated power (drive level) of at
least 1 mW, and specified at a load capacitance equal to the total capacitance seen by the crystal (including external
capacitors and strays). The series resistance of the crystal should be specified to be less than
the absolute
value of the negative resistance shown in Figure 84 or Figure 85 for the crystal frequency. The frequency of the
signal at the CKI input pin is equal to the crystal frequency.
Figure 83. Fundamental Crystal Configuration
The following guidelines should be followed when designing the printed-circuit board layout for a crystal-based ap-
1. Keep crystal and external capacitors as close to CKI and CKI2 pins as possible to minimize board stray capaci-
2. Keep high-frequency digital signals such as CKO away from CKI and CKI2 traces to avoid coupling.
13.2 Power Dissipation
Figures 86 and 87 indicate the typical power dissipation of the on-chip crystal oscillator circuit versus frequency.
Note that these curves are intended to show the relative effects of load capacitance on supply current and that the
actual supply current measured depends on crystal resistance. For typical crystals, measured supply current at the
pin should be less than that shown in the figures.
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