Nov. 2002 Ver 1.1
The HMS77C2000 and HMS77C2001 are an advanced
CMOS 8-bit microcontrollers with 0.5K/1K words
(12bits) of EPROM. They employ a RISC architecture
with only 33 single word/single cycle instructions. All in-
structions are single cycle (1us) except for program
branches which take two cycles. The HMS77C2000 and
HMS77C2001 deliver performance an order of magnitude
higher than their competitors in the same price category.
The HMS77C2000 and HMS77C2001 products are
equipped with special features that reduce system cost and
power requirements. The Power-on reset (POR) and inter-
nal reset timer (IRT) remove the need for external reset cir-
cuitry. There are four oscillator configurations to choose
from IRC (internal RC) oscillator mode to LF (Low Fre-
quency) oscillator mode. Power saving SLEEP mode,
watchdog timer and code protection features also improve
system cost, power and reliability. The HMS77C2000 and
HMS77C2001 are available in the cost-effective one-time-
programmable (OTP) versions which are suitable for pro-
duction in any volume. The customer can take full advan-
tage of Hynix Semiconductor’s price leadership in OTP
microcontrollers while benefiting from the OTP’s flexibil-
ity. Also the HMS77C2000 and HMS77C2001 have an on-
chip power fail detection circuitry to immunize against
power noise. The power fail detection processor may reset
MCU to protect the device from malfunction due to power
The HMS77C2000 and HMS77C2001 fit perfectly in ap-
plications ranging from personal care appliances and secu-
rity systems to low-power remote transmitters/receivers.
The EPROM technology makes customizing application
programs (transmitter codes, appliance settings, receiver
frequencies, etc.) extremely fast and convenient. The small
footprint packages or surface mounting make these micro-
controllers perfect for applications with space limitations.
Low-cost, low-power, high performance, ease of use and I/
O flexibility make the HMS77C2000 and HMS77C2001
very versatile even in areas where no microcontroller use
has been considered before (e.g., timer functions, copro-
cessor applications).
The availability of OTP devices is especially useful for
customers who need the flexibility for frequent code up-
dates or small volume applications.
The OTP devices, packaged in plastic packages permit the
user to program them once. In addition to the program
memory, the configuration bits must also be programmed.