Nov. 2002 Ver 1.1
- Maximum number of pulses, present limit 3.
- Number of over-programming pulses: should be
(A x N) + B, where N = number of pulses re-
quired in regular programming. In our current al-
gorithm A=3, B=0.
13.2.2 Programming Pulse Width
Program Memory Cells:
When programming one word of EPROM, a programming
pulse width(TPW) of 100us is recommended. The Maxi-
mum number of programming attempts should be limited
to 3 per word. After the first successful verify, the same lo-
cation should be over-programmed with 3 additional pro-
Configuration Word:
The configuration word for oscillator selection, WDT
(watchdog timer) disable and code protection, and RESET
enable, POR (power-on reset) generation level selection,
requires the same as program memory cells.
13.2.3 Special Memory Locations
The highest address of program memory space is reserved
for the internal RC oscillator calibration value. This loca-
tion should not be overwritten except when this location is
blank, and it should be verified, when programmed, that it
is a
The ID locations area is only enabled if the device is in pro-
gramming/verify mode. Thus, in normal operation mode
only the memory location 000
to NNN
will be accessed
and the program counter will just roll over from address
to 000
when incremented.
The configuration word can only be accessed immediately
after RESET/V
going from V
to V
The program counter will be set to all ‘1’s upon RESET =
. Thus, it has the value “FFF
” when accessing the
configuration EPROM. Incrementing the program counter
once causes the program counter to roll over to all ‘0’s. In-
crementing the program counter 4K times after reset does
not allow access to the configuration EPROM.
Customer ID Code Locations
Per definition, the first four words (address TTT to TTT +
3) are reserved for customer use. It is recommended that
the customer use only the four lower order bits (bits 0
through 3) of each word and filling the eight higher order
bits with ‘0’s.
A user may want to store an identification code (ID) in the
ID locations and still be able to read this code after the code
protection bit was programmed.