4- 6
There are eight arbitration levels for access to the intermodule bus (IMB). The SIM49 is
fixed at the highest level (above the programmable level 7), and the CPU32+ is fixed at
the lowest level (below level 0). The direct memory access (DMA) module is the only other
module that can become bus master and arbitrate for the bus. It must be initialized with a
level other than 0 or 7.
The AVR contains bits that correspond to external interrupt levels that require an
autovector response. The SIM49 supports up to seven discrete external interrupt requests.
If the bit corresponding to an interrupt level is set in the AVR, the SIM49 returns an
autovector in response to the IACK cycle servicing that external interrupt request.
Otherwise, external circuitry must either return an interrupt vector or assert the external
AVEC signal. INTERNAL BUS MONITOR. The internal bus monitor continually checks for the
bus cycle termination response time by checking the DSACK≈ , BERR , and HALT status or
the AVEC status during an IACK cycle. The monitor initiates a bus error if the response
time is excessive. The bus monitor feature cannot be disabled for internal accesses to an
internal module. The internal bus monitor cannot check the DSACK≈ response on the
external bus unless the MC68349 is the bus master. The BME bit in the system protection
control register (SYPCR) enables the internal bus monitor for internal-to-external bus
cycles. If the system contains external bus masters whose bus cycles must be monitored,
an external bus monitor must be implemented. In this case, the internal-to-external bus
monitor option must be disabled.
The bus cycle termination response time is measured in clock cycles, and the maximum-
allowable response time is programmable. The bus monitor response time period ranges
from 64 to 512 system clocks (see Table 4-9). These options are provided to allow for
different response times of peripherals that might be used in the system. DOUBLE BUS FAULT MONITOR. A double bus fault is caused by a bus error or
address error during the exception processing sequence. The double bus fault monitor
responds to an assertion of HALT on the internal bus. Refer to Section 3 Bus Operation
for more information. The DBF bit in the reset status register (RSR) indicates that the last
reset was caused by the double bus fault monitor. The double bus fault monitor reset can
be enabled by the DBFE bit in the SYPCR. SPURIOUS INTERRUPT MONITOR. The spurious interrupt monitor issues BERR
if no interrupt arbitration occurs during an IACK cycle. Normally, during an IACK cycle, one
or more internal modules recognize that the CPU32+ is responding to interrupt request(s)
and arbitrate for the privilege of returning a vector or asserting AVEC. (The SIM49 reports
and arbitrates for externally generated interrupts.) This feature cannot be disabled.