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MOTOROLA BUS CONTROLLER RESOURCES. The bus controller consists of the instruction
prefetch controller, the write pending buffer, and the microbus controller. These three
resources transact all reads, writes, and instruction prefetches required for instruction
The bus controller and microsequencer operate concurrently. The bus controller can
perform a read or write or schedule a prefetch while the microsequencer controls EA
calculation or sets condition codes.
The microsequencer can also request a bus cycle that the bus controller cannot perform
immediately. When this happens, the bus cycle is queued, and the bus controller runs the
cycle when the current cycle has completed. Prefetch Controller. The instruction prefetch controller receives an initial
request from the microsequencer to initiate prefetching at a given address. Subsequent
prefetches are initiated by the prefetch controller whenever a pipeline stage is invalidated,
either through instruction completion or through use of extension words. Prefetch occurs
as soon as the bus is free of operand accesses previously requested by the
microsequencer. Additional state information permits the controller to inhibit prefetch
requests when a change in instruction flow (e.g., a jump or branch instruction) is
In a typical program, 10 to 25 percent of the instructions cause a change of flow. Each
time a change occurs, the instruction pipeline must be flushed and refilled from the new
instruction stream. If instruction prefetches, rather than operand accesses, were given
priority, many instruction words would be flushed unused, and necessary operand cycles
would be delayed. To maximize available bus bandwidth, the CPU32+ will schedule a
prefetch only when the next instruction is not a change-of-flow instruction and when there
is room in the pipeline for the prefetch. Write-Pending Buffer. The CPU32+ incorporates a single-operand write-
pending buffer. The buffer permits the microsequencer to continue execution after a
request for a write cycle is queued in the bus controller. The time needed for a write at the
end of an instruction can overlap the head cycle time for the following instruction, thus
reducing overall execution time. Interlocks prevent the microsequencer from overwriting
the buffer. Microbus Controller. The microbus controller performs bus cycles issued by
the microsequencer. Operand accesses always have priority over instruction prefetches.
Word and byte operands are accessed in a single CPU-initiated bus cycle, although the
external bus interface may be required to initiate a second cycle when a word operand is
sent to a byte-sized external port. If long operands are accessed from a 16-bit port, they
are accessed in two bus cycles, most significant word first.
The instruction pipeline is capable of recognizing instructions that cause a change of flow.
It informs the bus controller when a change of flow is imminent, and the bus controller
refrains from starting prefetches that would be discarded due to the change of flow.