REV. P1.0.0
The XRT72L74 has 4 identical channels (0, 1, 2, 3),
the descriptions below apply to each channel.
The XRT72L74 DS3 ATM UNI/Framer IC can be con-
figured to operate in either the “ATM UNI” or in the
“Clear-Channel-Framer” Mode.
A brief listing of the features and description for each
of these operating modes is presented below.
When the XRT72L74 UNI/Framer has been config-
ured to operate in the “ATM UNI” Mode, it can func-
tionally be subdivided into 6 different sections, as
shown in Figure 2.
Receive Section
Transmit Section
Microprocessor Interface Section
Performance Monitor Section
Test and Diagnostic Section
Line Interface Unit Scan Drive Section
The features of each of these functional sections are
briefly outlined below.
The purpose of the Receive Section of the XRT72L74
DS3 ATM UNI is to allow a local ATM Layer (or ATM
Adaptation Layer) processor to receive ATM cell data
from a remote piece of equipment via a public or
leased DS3 transport medium.
The Receive Section of the XRT72L74 DS3 UNI con-
sists of the following functional blocks.
Receive DS3 Framer Block
Receive PLCP (Physical Layer Convergence Proto-
col) Processor Block
Receive Cell Processor Block
Receive UTOPIA Interface Block
Each of these functional blocks, within the Receive
Section of the UNI Framer will do the following:
The Rx DS3 Framer Block
Capable of receiving data, from the LIU IC, in either
the “Single-Rail” or “Dual-Rail” mode.
Capable of “sampling” the “inbound” DS3 data (at
the “RxPOS” and “RxNEG” input pins) upon either
the rising or falling edge of the “RxLineClk” signal.
The Receive DS3 Framer will synchronize to the
incoming DS3 data stream and remove or process
the DS3 Framing/Overhead Bits. This procedure
will result in either extracting PLCP frame data or
“Direct-Mapped” ATM Cell data, from the payload
portion of the incoming DS3 data stream.
The Receive DS3 Framer can be used to receive
FEAC (Far End Alarm & Control) messages via an
on-chip FEAC Transceiver.
The Receive DS3 Framer includes an on-chip
LAPD Receiver along with 88 bytes of on-chip RAM
that can receive incoming path maintenance data
link messages from the Remote Terminal Equip-
Detects and generates interrupts upon “Detection
of P and CP-bit Errors”, “Change of State in LOS,
AIS, OOF and FERF”, “Receipt of New LAPD
(PMDL) Message”, “Validation and Removal of
FEAC Message”.
The Receive DS3 Framer supports both M13 and C-
bit Parity Frame Formats.
The Rx PLCP Processor Block
The Receive PLCP Processor will identify the frame
boundary of each incoming PLCP frame, extract
and process the overhead bytes of these PLCP
frames (applies only if the UNI is operating in the
PLCP Mode). The Receive PLCP Processor will
also perform some error checking on the incoming
PLCP frames. The Receive PLCP Processor will
inform the Remote Terminal Equipment of the
results of this error-checking by internally routing
these results to the “Near-End” Transmit PLCP Pro-
cessor, for transmission back out to the RemoteTer-
minal Equipment.
The Rx Cell Processor Block
The Receive Cell Processor will perform the follow-
ing functions:
– Cell Delineation
– HEC Byte Verification of incoming cells
– Cell-payload de-scrambling (optional)
– Idle cell detection and removal (optional)
– User and OAM Cell Filtering (optional)
– OAM Cell Processing (optional)
The UNI provides 108 bytes of on-chip RAM that
allows for the reception and processing of selected
OAM cells.