Appendix 3
Appendix 3-2
32185/32186 Group Hardware Manual
Rev.1.10 REJ09B0235-0110 May 15, 07
Appendix 3.1 Example Processing of Unused Pins
An example of how to process the unused pins of the microcomputer is shown below.
(1) When operating in single-chip mode
Table 3.1.1 Example Processing of Unused Pins during Single-Chip Mode (Note 1)
Appendix 3.1 Example Processing of Unused Pins
Pin Name
P61–P63, P70–P77, P82–87,
P93–P97, P100–P107, P110–P117,
P124–P127, P130–P137, P174, P175
Set the port for input mode and pull each pin low to VSS or
pull high to VCCE via a 1 k
-10 k resistor.
Or set the port for output mode and leave the pin open.
XOUT (Note 4)
Leave open
Connect to VCCE
Pull high to VCCE or low to VSS via a 0-100 k
Pull low to VSS via a 0-100 k
Connect to VSS
A/D converter
Note 1: Process the unused pins in the shortest wiring length possible (within 20 mm) from the microcomputer pins.
Note 2: If any port is set for output mode and left open, care should be taken because the port remains set for input
before it is changed for output in a program after being reset. Therefore, the voltage level at the pin is instable,
and the power supply current tends to increase while the port remains set for input. Because it is possible that
the content of the port direction register will inadvertently be altered by noise or noise-induced runaway,
higher reliability may be obtained by periodically setting the port direction register back again in a program.
Note, however, that P221 is input-only port and does not work as an output port.
Note 3: Make sure that unintended falling edges due to noise, etc. will be not applied. (A falling edge at the SBI# input
causes a system break interrupt to occur.)
Note 4: This is necessary when an external clock is connected to XIN.
SBI# (Note 3)
Pull low to VSS via a 1 k
-10 k resistor.
Input/output ports (Note 2)
P00–P07, P10–P17, P20–P27,
P30–P37, P41–P47, P150, P153,
P220, P221, P224, P225
Set the port for input mode and pull each pin low to VSS or
pull high to VCC-BUS via a 1 k
-10 k resistor.
Or set the port for output mode and leave the pin open.