Preliminary Specifications REV.B3
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
Mitsubishi Microcomputers
M32C/83 group
Timer A
Note: This does not apply when the free-run function is selected.
(2) Event counter mode
In this mode, the timer counts an external signal or an internal timer’s overflow. Timers A0 and A1 can
count a single-phase external signal. Timers A2, A3, and A4 can count a single-phase and a two-phase
external signal. Table 1.14.2 lists timer specifications when counting a single-phase external signal.
Table 1.14.3 lists timer specifications when counting a two-phase external signal. Figure 1.14.8 shows
the timer Ai mode register in event counter mode.
Table 1.14.2. Timer specifications in event counter mode (when not processing two-phase pulse signal)
Count source
External signals input to TAiIN pin (effective edge can be selected by software)
TB2 overflows or underflows, TAj overflows or underflows
Count operation
Up count or down count can be selected by external signal or software
When the timer overflows or underflows, it reloads the reload register contents
before continuing counting (Note)
Divide ratio
1/ (FFFF16 - n + 1) for up count
1/ (n + 1) for down count
n : Set value
Count start condition
Count start flag is set (= 1)
Count stop condition
Count start flag is reset (= 0)
Interrupt request generation timing The timer overflows or underflows
TAiIN pin function
Programmable I/O port or count source input
TAiOUT pin function
Programmable I/O port, pulse output, or up/down count select input (Setting by corre-
sponding function select registers A, B and C)
Read from timer
Count value can be read out by reading timer Ai register
Write to timer
When counting stopped
When a value is written to timer Ai register, it is written to both reload register and
When counting in progress
When a value is written to timer Ai register, it is written to only reload register
(Transferred to counter at next reload time)
Select function
Free-run count function
Even when the timer overflows or underflows, the reload register content is not
reloaded to it
Pulse output function
Each time the timer overflows or underflows, the TAiOUT pin’s polarity is reversed