SDRAM Controller
GMS30C7201 Data Sheet
Merging Write Buffer
An eight word merging write buffer is implemented in the SDRAM controller to improve
write performance. The write buffer can be disabled, but its operation is completely
transparent to the programmer. The eight words of the buffer are split into two quad
words, the same size as all data transactions to the SDRAMs. The split into two quad
words allows one quad word to be written to at the same time as the contents of the
other are being transferred to SDRAM. The quad word buffer currently being written to
may be accessed with non-contiguous word, half word or byte writes, which will be
merged into a single quad word. The buffered quad word will be transferred to the
SDRAM when:
there is a write to an SDRAM address outside the current quad word being
merged into
there is a read to the address of the quad word being merged into
there is a time-out on the write back timer
The two quad-words that make up the write buffer operate in
whereby one is initially designated the buffer for writes to go into, and the other is the
buffer for write backs. When one of the three events that can cause a write-back occurs,
the functions of the two buffers are swapped. Thus the buffer containing data to be
written back becomes the buffer that is currently writing back, and the buffer that was
the write-back buffer becomes the buffer being written to.
In the case of a write-back initiated by a read from the same address as the data in the
merge buffer, the quad word in the buffer is written to SDRAM, and then the read occurs
from SDRAM. The write before read is essential, because not all of the quad word in
the buffer may have been updated, so its contents need to be merged with the SDRAM
contents to fill any gaps where the buffer was not updated.
The write buffer flush timer forces a write back to occur after a programmable amount
of time. Every time a write into the buffer occurs, the counter is re-loaded with the
programmed time-out value, and starts to counts down. If a time-out occurs, then data
in the write buffer is written to SDRAM.