LCD & VGA Controllers
GMS30C7201 Data Sheet
11.5 LCD Timing 1 Register
LCD Timing 1 Register (LcdTiming1) contains four bit-fields that are used to control
LCD vertical timing parameters.
11.5.1 Lines Per Screen (LPS)
The Lines Per Screen (LPS) bit-field is used to specify the number of lines or rows per
LCD panel being controlled. LPS is a 10-bit value which represents between 1
Lines Per Screen. The register is programmed with the number of lines per screen
minus 1.
11.5.2 Vertical Sync Pulse Width (VSW)
The 6-bit vertical sync pulse width (VSW) field is used to specify the pulse width of the
vertical synchronization pulse in active mode, or is used to add extra dummy line clock
delays between frames in passive mode. The register is programmed with the number
of lines of
minus one.
11.5.3 Vertical Front Porch (VFP)
The 8-bit Vertical Front Porch (VFP) field is used to specify the number of line clocks to
insert at the end of each frame. Once a complete frame of pixels is transmitted to the
LCD display, the value in VFP is used to count the number of line clock periods to wait.
After the count has elapsed the
) signal is pulsed in active mode, or
extra line clocks are inserted as specified by the VSW bit-field in passive mode. VFP
generates from 0
255 line clock cycles.This should be zero for passive display modes,
unless synchronizing to the VGA to share data.
11.5.4 Vertical Back Porch (VBP)
The 8-bit Vertical Back Porch (VBP) field is used to specify the number of line clocks to
insert at the beginning of each frame. The VBP count starts just after the
for the previous frame has been negated for active mode, or the extra line clocks have
been inserted as specified by the VSW bit-field in passive mode. After this has
occurred, the value in VBP is used to count the number of line clock periods to insert
before starting to output pixels in the next frame. VBP generates from 0
255 extra line
clock cycles. This should be programmed to zero in passive mode, unless sensing LCD
to VGA to share DMA data.
Lines Per Screen
Number of lines per screen. Program to number of lines required
minus 1.
Vertical Sync Pulse Width
Number of
lines. Should be small for passive LCD, but should
be long enough to re-program the video palette under interrupt
control, without writing the video palette at the same time as video is
being displayed. Program to the number of lines required minus one.
Vertical Front Porch
Number of inactive lines at the end of frame, before
Program to zero on passive displays.