Fast AMBA Peripherals
GMS30C7201 Data Sheet
while data is actively transmitted, and places the 16-bit value at the end of each frame
before the stop flag is transmitted. The receiver calculates a CRC for each received
data frame, and compares the calculated CRC to the expected CRC value contained
within the end of each received frame. If the calculated value does not match the
expected value, an interrupt is signalled. The CRC computation logic is preset to all
ones before reception/transmission of each frame. Note that the CRC is transmitted
and received starting with its MSB and ending with its LSB. The CRC uses the four-
term polynomial:
Baud Rate Generation
The baud or bit rate is derived by dividing down the 48MHz clock generated by the on-
chip PLL. The clock is first divided down by 10 and five-twelfths, then either 1 (BRD=1)
or 2 (BRD=0), and then by a fixed value of four, generating the transmit clock for
1.152Mb/s and 0.576Mb/s data rates, respectively. The receive clock is generated by
the receiver Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL). The DPLL uses a sample clock that is
undivided. A sample rate counter (incremented at the sample clock rate) is used to
generate a receive clock at the nominal data rate (sample clock divided by 41 and two-
thirds). The sample rate counter is reset on the detection of each positive-going data
transition (indicating the RZI encoding of a
) to ensure that synchronization with the
incoming data stream is maintained.
Receive Operation
Once the MIr receiver is enabled it enters hunt mode, searching the incoming data
stream for the flag (01111110). The flag serves to achieve bit synchronization, denotes
the beginning of a frame, and delineates the boundaries of individual bytes of data. The
end of the flag denotes the beginning of the address byte. Once the flag is found, the
receiver is synchronized to incoming data and hunt mode is exited.
After each bit is decoded, a serial shifter is used to receive the incoming data a byte at
a time. Once the flag is recognized, each subsequent byte of data is decoded and
placed within a two-byte temporary buffer. A temporary buffer is used to prevent the
CRC from being placed within the receive buffer. When the temporary buffer is filled,
data values are pushed out one by one to the receive buffer. The first byte of a frame is
the address. If receiver address matching is enabled, the received address is compared
to the address programmed in the address match value field in a control register. If the
two values are equal or if the incoming address contains all ones, all subsequent data
bytes including the address byte are stored in the receive buffer. If the values do not
match, the receive logic does not store any data in the receive buffer, ignores the
remainder of the frame and begins to search for the stop flag. The second byte of the
frame can contain an optional control field that must be decoded in software (There is
no hardware support within the MIr). Use of a control byte is determined by the user.
When the receive buffer is filled, a DMA request is signalled. If the data is not removed
soon enough and the buffer is completely filled, an overrun error is generated when the
receive logic attempts to place additional data into the full buffer. Once the buffer is full,
all subsequent received data are lost while the buffer contents remain intact.
Frames can contain any amount of data in multiples of 8-bits. Although the MIr protocol
does not limit frame size, in practice they tend to be implemented in numbers ranging
from hundreds to a couple of thousand bytes.
The receive logic continuously searches for the stop flag at the end of the frame. Once
it is recognized, the last byte that was placed within the receive buffer is flagged as the
last byte of the frame, and the two bytes remaining within the temporary buffer are
removed and used as the 16-bit CRC value for the frame. Instead of placing this in the
receive buffer, the receive logic compares it to the CRC-CCITT value which is
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