Fast AMBA Peripherals
GMS30C7201 Data Sheet
12.5 Transmitting Data
This section deals with the initialization and transmit processes.
12.5.1 Initialization
The principal transfer of data from memory to the active IrDA encoder in MIr and FIr
modes is by DMA. DMA transfers data in 4-byte words into the transmit FIFO when
requested by the Ir block. As data frames are not necessarily a multiple of four bytes in
length, there is a mechanism built into the Ir peripheral for handling any bytes left over
at the end of the data frame. This uses a register called IrDataTail. Before starting Ir
transfer, pushing the first two words of data into the transmit FIFO will reduce system
overheads.The Ir peripheral can be configured to provide an additional level of error
checking using the TUS bit in the IrCon register. This monitors the outgoing data flow
and transmits an abort signal to the far end receiver if the transmit FIFO becomes
empty before the end of the frame is reached.
12.5.2 The transmit process
This section describes the transmission process in detail.
Check that the previous transmission is complete
Ensure that the Ir block is not currently receiving or transmitting data by reading the
RSY (if half-duplex communications are in operation) and TBY bits in IrMISR1 or
IrFISR1 (depending on whether MIr or FIr mode is in operation). If either are set, the
start of transmission is postponed.
Select Transmit Underrun Action
Set the TUS bit within the IrCon register to ensure that if the Ir encoder is starved of
data it will signal an abort condition to the far-end receiver.
Pre-loading the Transmit FIFO
Copy the first two full words of data into the transmit FIFO by writing them into the IrData
register.The Ir encode block can hold up to 11 bytes of data (two words in the FIFO plus
up to three bytes in the IrDataTail register). If this is sufficient to hold the complete data
packet to be transmitted, there will be no DMA activity and the IrCon TUS bit should be
cleared. This will cause the Ir encoder to send the CRC and end frame flag correctly.
Setting the DMA Buffer Address, Transfer Length and Mode
DMA channel 1 is used to transfer data to and from the Ir block. The register details can
be found in
12.2.5 DMAC1 Registers
on page 12-8.
Store the word-aligned address of the source data (not including the data
already pre-loaded into the transmit FIFO) in DMAADR1.
Store the Transfer Length (number of words to be transferred by DMA to the Ir
Clear DMACCR1.MODSEL (selects transfer from memory to IO).
Set DMACCR1.mask. This enables end of transfer interrupt.
Set DMACCR1.DMEN1. This enables DMA transfer.
Ensure that the master enable bit in the DMAC Operation Register is set.