IXP1250 Network Processor
Table 26. 64-Bit Bidirectional IX Bus, 3+ MAC Mode
(Shared IX Bus Operation Only in This Mode)
Active High input/output assigned to StrongARM* core not used for MAC interface.
Active High, output assigned to StrongARM* core not used for MAC interface.
Output, 5 bits encoded for Transmit/Receive ready flags, flow-control, and
inter-chip communication in shared IX Bus mode.
Shared IX Bus mode, Initial Ready Bus master drives RDYCTL_L[4:0] and Ready
Bus slave snoops.
Active High, input/output, Transmit or Receive Ready flags, flow control mask data,
and inter-processor communication in shared IX Bus mode.
Active Low, output, 4 bits encoded for transmit and receive commands and device
Shared IX Bus mode - Tri-stated when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.
Active High, output, port select.
Shared IX Bus mode - Tri-stated when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.
Active High, input/output, Start of Packet indication. SOP is an output during
transmit according to values programmed in the TFIFO control field.
Shared IX Bus mode - Tri-stated when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.
Active High, output.
Single chip mode - not used, no connect.
Shared IX Bus mode - IX Bus Request.
Active High, input/output, End of Packet indication. EOP is an output during
transmit according to values programmed in the TFIFO control field. Is an input
during receives indicating Receive End of Packet from MAC.
Shared IX Bus mode - Tri-stated when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.
Input in Shared IX Bus mode.
Single chip mode - pullup through 10 KOhms to VDDX.
Shared IX Bus mode - Token_Input, enables IX Bus ownership when a high-to-low
transition is detected. At reset, pull down through 10 KOhms to GND to tell the
IXP1250 that it does not own the IX Bus, pull up through 10 KOhms to VDDX to set
as initial IX Bus owner.
Active High, output.
Single chip mode - output, not used, no connect.
Shared IX Bus mode - Token_Output. When high, indicates this IXP1250 owns the
IX Bus.
Active High, input/output.
Input - Receive Error input.
Output - driven low during transmit and when bus maintains a No-Select state.
Shared IX Bus mode - Tri-stated when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.
Active High, output. TXASIS states are output according to values programmed in
the TFIFO Control field. TXASIS state is output coincident with SOPsignal.TShared
IX Bus mode - Tri-stated when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.
Active Low, byte enables for FDAT [64:0].
Tri-stated in shared IX Bus Mode when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.
Active High, read and write data.
Tri-stated in shared IX Bus mode when the IXP1250 does not own the IX Bus.