These are the command words which dynamically reprogram the Interrupt Controller to operate in various
interrupt modes. Any interrupt lines can be masked by writing an OCW1. A 1 written in any bit of this command
word will mask incoming interrupt requests on the corresponding IRQx line.
82371AB (PIIX4)
4/9/97 2:23 PM PIIX4aDS
(until publication date)
OCW2 is used to control the rotation of interrupt priorities when operating in the rotating priority mode and to
control the End of Interrupt (EOI) function of the controller. OCW3 is used to set up reads of the ISR and IRR, to
enable or disable the Special Mask Mode (SMM), and to set up the interrupt controller in polled interrupt mode.
The OCWs can be written into the Interrupt Controller any time after initialization.
End of Interrupt (EOI)
The In Service (IS) bit can be set to 0 automatically following the trailing edge of the second INTA# pulse (when
AEOI bit in ICW1 is set to 1) or by a command word that must be issued to the Interrupt Controller before
returning from a service routine (EOI command). An EOI command must be issued twice with this cascaded
interrupt controller configuration, once for the master and once for the slave.
There are two forms of EOI commands: Specific and Non-Specific. When the Interrupt Controller is operated in
modes that preserve the fully nested structure, it can determine which IS bit to set to 0 on EOI. When a Non-
Specific EOI command is issued, the Interrupt Controller automatically sets to 0 the highest IS bit of those that
are set to 1, since in the fully nested mode the highest IS level was necessarily the last level acknowledged and
serviced. A Non-Specific EOI can be issued with OCW2 (EOI=1, SL=0, R=0).
When a mode is used that may disturb the fully nested structure, the Interrupt Controller may no longer be able
to determine the last level acknowledged. In this case a Specific End of Interrupt must be issued that includes as
part of the command the IS level to be reset. A specific EOI can be issued with OCW2 (EOI=1, SL=1, R=0, and
LO–L2 is the binary level of the IS bit to be set to 0).
Note that an IS bit that is masked by an IMR bit will not be cleared by a non-specific EOI if the Interrupt
Controller is in the Special Mask Mode.
Automatic End of Interrupt (AEOI) Mode
If AEOI=1 in ICW4, then the Interrupt Controller operates in AEOI mode continuously until reprogrammed by
ICW4. Note that reprogramming ICW4 implies that ICW1, ICW2, and ICW3 must be reprogrammed first, in
sequence. In this mode, the Interrupt Controller automatically performs a Non-Specific EOI operation at the
trailing edge of the last interrupt acknowledge pulse. Note that from a system standpoint, this mode should be
used only when a nested multi-level interrupt structure is not required within a single Interrupt Controller. The
AEOI mode can only be used in a master Interrupt Controller and not a slave (on CNTRL-1 but not CNTRL-2).
Fully Nested Mode
This mode is entered after initialization unless another mode is programmed. The interrupt requests are ordered
in priority from 0 through 7 (0 being the highest). When an interrupt is acknowledged, the highest priority request
is determined and its vector placed on the bus. Additionally, a bit of the Interrupt Service Register (IS[0:7]) is set.
This IS bit remains set until the microprocessor issues an End of Interrupt (EOI) command immediately before
returning from the service routine. Or, if the AEOI (Automatic End of Interrupt) bit is set, this IS bit remains set
until the trailing edge of the second INTA#. While the IS bit is set, all further interrupts of the same or lower
priority are inhibited, while higher levels will generate an interrupt (which will be acknowledged only if the
microprocessor internal interrupt enable flip-flop has been re-enabled through software).