Expansion Bus Data/Address [15:8] Input/Output
When ERAMCS is asserted, EBDA[15:8] contain the
data bits [15:8] for SRAM accesses. When EROMCS is
asserted low, EBDA[15:8] contain address bits [15:8]
for boot device accesses.
The EBDA[15:8] signals are driven to a constant level
to conserve power while no access on the Expansion
Bus is being performed.
Expansion Bus Data [7:0]
The EBD[7:0] pins provide data bits [7:0] for RAM/ROM
accesses. The EBD[7:0] signals are internally forced to
a constant level to conserve power while no access on
the Expansion Bus is being performed.
Expansion ROM Chip Select
EROMCS serves as the chip select for the boot device.
It is asserted low during the data phases of boot device
Expansion RAM Chip Select
ERAMCS is asserted during SRAM read and write op-
erations on the expansion bus.
Address Strobe/Expansion Bus
Output Enable
AS_EBOE functions as the address strobe for the
upper address bits on the EBUA_EBA[7:0] pins and as
the output enable for the Expansion Bus.
As an address strobe, a rising edge on AS_EBOE is
supplied at the beginning of SRAM and boot device
accesses. This rising edge provides a clock edge for a
374 D-type edge-triggered flip-flop which must store
the upper address byte during Expansion Bus ac-
cesses for EPROM/Flash/SRAM.
AS_EBOE is asserted active LOW during boot device
and SRAM read operations on the expansion bus and
is deasserted during boot device and SRAM write
Expansion Bus Write Enable
EBWE provides the write enable for write accesses to
the SRAM devices and/or Flash device.
Expansion Bus Clock
EBCLK may be used as the fundamental clock to drive
the Expansion Bus access cycles. The actual internal
clock used to drive the Expansion Bus cycles depends
on the values of the EBCS and CLK_FAC settings in
BCR27. Refer to the SRAM Interface Bandwidth Re-
quirements section for details on determining the re-
quired EBCLK frequency. If a clock source other than
the EBCLK pin is programmed (BCR27, bits 5:3) to be
used to run the Expansion Bus interface, this input
should be tied to VDD through a 4.7 k
EBCLK is not used to drive the bus interface, internal
buffer management unit, or the network functions.
Media Independent Interface
Transmit Clock
TX_CLK is a continuous clock input that provides the
timing reference for the transfer of the TX_EN,
TXD[3:0], and TX_ER signals out of the Am79C971
device. TX_CLK must provide a nibble rate clock (25%
of the network data rate). Hence, an MII transceiver op-
erating at 10 Mbps must provide a TX_CLK frequency
of 2.5 MHz and an MII transceiver operating at 100
Mbps must provide a TX_CLK frequency of 25 MHz.
The TX_CLK pin is multiplexed with the TXCLK
When RST is active, TX_CLK is an input for NAND tree
If the MII port is not selected, the TX_CLK pin can be
left floating.
Transmit Data
TXD[3:0] is the nibble-wide MII transmit data bus. Valid
data is generated on TXD[3:0] on every TX_CLK rising
edge while TX_EN is asserted. While TX_EN is de-
asserted, TXD[3:0] values are driven to a 0. TXD[3:0]
transitions synchronous to TX_CLK rising edges.
The TXD[0] pin is multiplexed with the TXDAT
When RST is active, TXD[3:0] are inputs for NAND tree
If the MII port is not selected, the TXD[3:0] pins can be
left floating.
Transmit Enable
TX_EN indicates when the Am79C971 device is pre-
senting valid transmit nibbles on the MII. While TX_EN
is asserted, the Am79C971 device generates TXD[3:0]
and TX_ER on TX_CLK rising edges. TX_EN is as-
serted with the first nibble of preamble and remains as-
serted throughout the duration of a packet until it is
deasserted prior to the first TX_CLK following the final