Preliminary Data Sheet
February 1997
DSP1628 Digital Signal Processor
Lucent Technologies Inc.
5 Software Architecture
Special Function Instructions
All forms of the special function require one word of program memory and execute in one instruction cycle. (If PC
points to external memory, add programmed wait-states.)
aD = aS >> 16
aD = aS
Load destination accumulator from source accumulator
aD = –aS
2's complement
aD = ~aS
1's complement
aD = rnd(aS)
Round upper 20 bits of accumulator
aDh = aSh + 1 —
Increment upper half of accumulator (lower half cleared)
aD = aS + 1
Increment accumulator
aD = y
Load accumulator with 32-bit
register value with sign extend
aD = p
Load accumulator with 32-bit
register value with sign extend
The above special functions can be conditionally executed, as in:
if CON instruction
and with an event counter
ifc CON instruction
which means:
if CON is true then
c1 = c1 + 1
c2 = c1
c1 = c1 + 1
The above special function statements can be executed unconditionally by writing them directly, e.g.,
This function is not available for the DSP16A.
aD = aS >> 1
aD = aS >> 4
aD = aS >> 8
Arithmetic right shift (sign preserved) of 36-bit accumulators
aD = aS << 1
aD = aS << 4
aD = aS << 8
aD = aS << 16
Arithmetic left shift (sign not preserved) of the lower 32 bits of accumulators
(upper 4 bits are sign-bit-extended from bit 31 at the completion of the shift)
Table 19. Replacement Table for Special Function Instructions
a0, a1
One of two DAU accumulators.
mi, pl, eq, ne, gt, le, lvs, lvc, mvs, mvc, c0ge, c0lt,
c1ge, c1lt, heads, tails, true, false, allt, allf,
somet, somef, oddp, evenp, mns1, nmns1,
npint, njint, lock, ebusy
See Table 21 for definitions of mnemonics.