DMA, 1-6, 5-6, 5-8, 6-2, 7-1
AC Electrical Specifications ,11-19
Block Diagram, 7-1
Burst Request Mode ,7-5
Bus Arbitration, 7-18
Channel Example Configuration Code, 7-39
Channel Initialization ,7-35
Channel Termination ,7-20
Channels, 7-2
Connections to Serial Module, 7-6
Cycle Steal Request Mode, 7-5
Dual-Address Mode,7-2
External Request, 7-5
Features, 7-1
Initialization, 7-18
Internal Request, 7-4
Interrupt Service Mask (ISM) Level, 7-2
Interrupts, 7-20
Programmer's Model, 7-22
Purpose, 7-2
Registers, 7-22
Requests, 7-2
Signals, 7-4
Single-Address Mode, 7-2
DACKx Signals, 2-11, 7-4
DONEx Signals, 2-12, 7-4
DREQx Signals, 2-11, 7-4
Documentation (Related to MC68349), 1-10
Double Bus Fault, 3-52, 4-4, 4-6, 5-34
Dragon I, 1-1
DS Signal, 2-7, 3-4, 3-20
DSACK1/DSACK0 Signals, 2-8, 3-4, 3-5, 3-20, 3-43
DSCLK Signal,5-59
DSI Signal, 2-11, 5-59
DSO Signal, 2-11, 5-60, 5-61
Dynamic Bus Sizing, 3-5, 3-6
Dual Address,
Mode, 7-2, 7-38
Read cycle, 7-12
Transfer Mode, 7-7, 7-12
Write Cycle, 7-15
Dump Memory Block, 5-66, 5-72
— E —
Address Offset, 3-8
Address Space, 3-3, 7-30
BBx Bits, 7-27
BCx Bits, 8-34
BMTx Bits, 4-29
CMx Bits,8-35
DDx Bits, 4-35
DSACKx Bits, 3-5
DSIZEx Bits, 7-26
EDS Bits, 4-35
FCx Bits, 3-3
FRZx Bits, 7-32, 8-31
MISCx Bits, 8-23
PIRQLx Bits, 4-30
PMx Bits, 8-34
PSx Bits, 4-36
PT Bits, 8-34
RCSx Bits, 8-21
RCx Bits, 8-25
REQx Bits,7-27
SBx Bits, 8-36
SHENx Bits, 4-25
SIZx Bits,3-7
SSIZEx Bits, 7-26
TCSx Bits ,8-22
TCx Bits, 8-24
Error Stack Frames, 5-51
Exception(s), 5-28
Address Error Exceptions, 5-35
Breakpoint, 5-36
Bus Error Exception, 5-34
External Exceptions, 5-30
Format Error, 5-36
Handler, 5-26, 5-31, 5-39, 5-41, 5-43, 5-45,
5-46, 5-47, 5-48, 5-49
Illegal Instruction, 5-37
Internal Exceptions, 5-30
Interrupt, 5-40
Priority, 5-30, 5-31
Privilege Violations, 5-38
Processing, 5-5, 5-26, 5-27, 5-28, 5-30, 5-31,
5-32, 5-34, 5-36, 5-40, 5-46, 5-51, 5-80
Reset, 5-32
-Related Instructions and Operations Table,
Stack Frame, 5-30
Trace Exception, 5-39
Traps ,5-35
Unimplemented Instruction Exception, 5-37