32185/32186 Group Hardware Manual
Rev.1.10 REJ09B0235-0110 May 15, 07
21.3 JTAG Registers
21.3.1 Instruction Register (JTAGIR)
The Instruction Register is a 6-bit register to hold instruction code. This register is set in the IR path sequence. The
instructions set in this register determine the data register to be selected in the subsequent DR path sequence.
The initial value of this register after test is reset (to initialize the test circuit) is b’000010 (IDCODE instruc-
tion). After a test reset, the ID Code Register is selected as the data register until instruction code is set by
an external device. In the Capture-IR state, this register always has b’110001 (fixed value) loaded into it.
Therefore, when in the Shift-IR state, no matter what value was set in this register, the value b’110001 is
always output from the JTDO pin (sequentially beginning with the LSB). However, this value normally is not
handled as instruction code.
Shown below is outside the scope of guaranteed operations. If this operation is attempted, the microcom-
puter may handle b’110001 as instruction code, which makes the microcomputer unable to operate normally.
→ Exit1-IR → Update-IR
Following instructions are supported for the JTAG interface of the M32R/ECU:
Three instructions specified as essential in IEEE 1149.1 (EXTEST, SAMPLE/PRELOAD, BYPASS)
Device identification register access instruction (IDCODE)
Table 21.3.1 JTAG Instruction List
Instruction Code
Test the circuit/board-level connections external to the chip.
SAMPLE/PRELOAD Sample the operating status of the circuit and output the sampled status from the
JTDO pin, while at the same time supplying the data used for boundary-scan test
from the JTDI pin and preset it in the Boundary Scan Register.
Select the ID Code Register to output the device and manufacturer
identification data from the JTDO pin.
Select the Bypass Register to inspect or set data.
Notes: Do not set any other instruction code.
For details about the IR path sequence, DR path sequence, test reset, Capture-IR state, Shift-IR state, Exit1-IR state
and Update-IR state, see Section 21.4, “Basic Operation of JTAG.”