IXF1010 — 10-Port 100/1000 Mbps Ethernet MAC
Preliminary Datasheet
Document #: 249839
Revision #: 001
Rev. Date: April 29, 2002
The indicated FIFO status is based on the latest available information. A STARVING indication
provides additional feedback information, so that transfers are scheduled accordingly. Applications
which do not distinguish between HUNGRY and STARVING may only examine the most
significant FIFO status bit.
If a port is disabled on the IXF1010, FIFO status for the port is set to SATISFIED to avoid the
possibility of any data being sent to it by the controlling device. This applies to the IXF1010
transmit path.
Upon reset, the FIFOs in the data path receiver are emptied, and any outstanding credits are cleared
in the data path transmitter. After reset, and before active traffic is generated, the data transmitter
sends continuous training patterns. Transmission of the training patterns continue until valid
information is received on the FIFO Status Channel. The receiver ignores all incoming data until it
has observed the training pattern and acquired synchronization with the data. Synchronization may
be declared after a provisional number of consecutive correct DIP-4 code words are seen. Loss of
synchronization may be reported after a provisional number of consecutive DIP-4 code words are
As stated above, the DIP-4 thresholds are programmable. However, there is a potential issue where
it is possible that a given link which shows DIP-4 errors may never lose synchronization and re-
train to fix the issue. This would mean an on-going and potentially significant loss of data on the
link affecting all ports transferring data at that time.
This issue may be seen in two instances:
During training (most likely periodic training)
During data transfers where each of the data transfers (MaxBurst1 or MaxBurst2) are
separated by more than one idle control word
Table 8.
FIFO Status Format
Reserved for framing or to indicate a disabled status link.
SATISFIED: Indicates that the corresponding port’s FIFO is almost full. When SATISFIED is
received, only transfers using the remaining previously granted 16-byte blocks (if any) may
be sent to the corresponding port until the next status update. No additional transfers to that
port are permitted while SATISFIED is indicated.
HUNGRY: When HUNGRY is received, transfers for up to MaxBurst2 16-byte blocks, or the
remainder of what was previously granted (whatever is greater), may be sent to the
corresponding port until the next status update.
STARVING: Indicates that buffer underflow is imminent in the corresponding PHY port.
When STARVING is received, transfers for up to MaxBurst1 16-byte blocks may be sent to
the corresponding port until the next status update