Supported by using a Numeric Data Coprocessor with
the M80C186.
Figure 7. M80C186 Supported Data Types
Programs may cause an interrupt with an INT in-
struction. Instruction exceptions occur when an un-
usual condition, which prevents further instruction
processing, is detected while attempting to execute
an instruction. If the exception was caused by exe-
cuting an ESC instruction with the ESC trap bit set in
the relocation register, the return instruction will
point to the ESC instruction, or to the segment over-
ride prefix immediately preceding the ESC instruc-
tion if the prefix was present. In all other cases, the
return address from an exception will point at the
instruction immediately following the instruction
causing the exception.
A table containing up to 256 pointers defines the
proper interrupt service routine for each interrupt. In-
terrupts 0–31, some of which are used for instruc-
tion exceptions, are reserved. Table 4 shows the
M80C186 predefined types and default priority lev-
els. For each interrupt, an 8-bit vector must be sup-
plied to the M80C186 which identifies the appropri-
ate table entry. Exceptions supply the interrupt
vector internally. In addition, internal peripherals and
noncascaded external interrupts will generate their
own vectors through the internal interrupt controller.
INT instructions contain or imply the vector and al-
low access to all 256 interrupts. Maskable hardware
initiated interrupts supply the 8-bit vector to the CPU
during an interrupt acknowledge bus sequence.
Non-maskable hardware interrupts use a predefined
internally supplied vector.
Interrupt Sources
The M80C186 can service interrupts generated by
software or hardware. The software interrupts are
generated by specific instructions (INT, ESC, unused
OP, etc.) or the results of conditions specified by
instructions (array bounds check, INT0, DIV, IDIV,
etc.). All interrupt sources are serviced by an indirect
call through an element of a vector table. This vector
table is indexed by using the interrupt vector type
(Table 4), multiplied by four. All hardware-generated
interrupts are sampled at the end of each instruc-
tion. Thus, the software interrupts will begin service
first. Once the service routine is entered and inter-
rupts are enabled, any hardware source of sufficient
priority can interrupt the service routine in progress.
The software generated M80C186 interrupts are de-
scribed below.
Generated when a DIV or IDIV instruction quotient
cannot be expressed in the number of bits in the
Generated after most instructions if the TF flag is
set. Interrupts will not be generated after prefix in-
structions (e.g., REP), instructions which modify seg-
ment registers (e.g., POP DS), or the WAIT instruc-
An external interrupt source which cannot be