IXP1250 Network Processor
Functional Units
In all signal descriptions, an active low signal is indicated by _L in the signal name.
In this and related IXP1250 documents, a word is equal to 16 bits, a longword is equal to 32
bits, and a quadword is equal to 64 bits. StrongARM* documents and the ARM* V4.0
Architecture Reference typically refer to a word as being equal to 32 bits, and a halfword as
being equal to 16 bits.
StrongARM* Core Microprocessor
The StrongARM* core is the same industry standard 32-bit RISC processor as used in the Intel
SA-1100. It is compatible with the StrongARM* processor family currently used in
applications such as network computers, PDAs, palmtop computers and portable telephones. The
differentiating feature of the StrongARM* processor is that it provides very high performance in a
low-power, compact design. This makes it feasible to combine it with a collection of other
dedicated execution units on the same silicon die.
The StrongARM* core processor and six RISC Microengines provide the processing power
required to forward greater than 3 million Ethernet packets per second through the IXP1250. A
multi-IXP1250 system scales linearly so that a system comprised of eight IXP1250s can process
over 24 million packets per second.
The designer can partition his/her application by allocating Microengines, threads, and
StrongARM* tasks. If necessary, multiple IXP1250 devices can be used to aggregate CPU MIPs,
increase data bandwidth, increase port fanout and density, or some combination of all three metrics.
The StrongARM* core operates at a frequency determined by programming the Phase-Locked
Loop Configuration register (PLL_CFG) and the maximum rated operating frequency of the
IXP1250 device selected. The IXP1250 is currently available with an F
operating frequency of
166, 200, or 232 MHz.
Six 32-bit, multithreaded RISC Microengines perform data movement and processing without
assistance from the StrongARM* core. Each Microengine has four independent program counters,
zero overhead context switching and hardware semaphores from other hardware units to ensure
that each Microengine can be fully utilized. A Microengine
s powerful ALU and shifter perform
both ALU and shift operations in a single cycle. The instruction set was specifically designed for
networking and communications applications that require bit, byte, word and longword operations
to forward data quickly and efficiently. Each Microengine contains a large amount of local memory
and registers: 8 Kbytes organized as 2048 by 32 bits of high-speed RAM Control Store for program
execution, 128 32-bit General Purpose Registers, and 128 32-bit transfer registers to service the
SRAM and SDRAM Units.
The Microengines operate at the Core clock frequency (F