III Processor Mobile Module MMC-2
Voltage Regulator Control
The VR_ON pin on the connector allows a 3.3-V signal to control the voltage regulator. The
system manufacturer can use this signal to turn the voltage regulator on or off. VR_ON should be
controlled as a function of the same signal (SUSB#) used to control the system
s switched 5.0-V
and 3.3-V power planes. The PIIX4E/M defines Suspend B as the Power Management state in
which power is physically removed from the processor and the voltage regulator. In this state, the
SUSB# pin on the PIIX4E/M controls these power planes. The mobile module provides the
VR_PWRGD signal, which indicates that the voltage regulator power is operating at a stable
voltage level. The system manufacturer should use this signal on the system electronics to control
power inputs and to gate PWROK to the PIIX4E/M South Bridge.
Table 22
provides the detailed
definitions and sequences of the voltage signals.
The following list includes additional specifications and clarifications of the power sequence
timing and
Figure 6
provides an illustration.
The VR_ON signal may only be asserted to a logical high by a digital signal after V_DC
7.5V, V_5
4.5V, and V_3
Table 22. Voltage Signal Definitions and Sequences
Definitions and Sequences
System Electronics
V_DC is required to be between 7.5V and 21.0V DC and is driven by
the system electronics
power supply. V_DC powers the Pentium III
processor mobile module DC-to-DC converter for the processor core
and I/O voltages.
The mobile module cannot be hot inserted or removed while
V_DC is powered on.
System Electronics
V_5 is supplied by the system electronics for the voltage regulator.
System Electronics
V_3 is supplied by the system electronics for the 82443BX and powers
the mobile module
s linear regulators for generating the V_CLK and
V_CPUPU voltage rails. It stays on during suspend.
System Electronics
V_3S is supplied by the system electronics, and V_3S is shut off
during suspend.
System Electronics
VR_ON is a 3.3-V signal that enables the voltage regulator circuit.
When driven active high, the voltage regulator circuit is activated. The
signal driving VR_ON should be a digital signal with a rise and fall time
of less than or equal to 1
S. (V
IL (max)
= 0.4V, V
IH (min)
= 3.0V.)
A result of VR_ON being asserted, V_CORE is an output of the DC-
DC regulator on the mobile module and is driven to the core voltage of
the processor.
Upon sampling the voltage level of V_CORE (minus tolerances for
ripple), VR_PWRGD is driven active high. If VR_PWRGD is not
sampled active within 1 second of the assertion of VR_ON, then the
system electronics should deassert VR_ON. After V_CORE is
stabilized, VR_PWRGD will assert to logic high (3.3V). This signal
must not be pulled up by the system electronics. VR_PWRGD should
be "logically ANDed" with V_3S to generate the PIIX4E/M input signal,
PWROK. The system electronics should monitor VR_PWRGD to verify
that it is asserted high prior to the active high assertion of PIIX4E/M
V_CPUPU is 1.5V. The system electronics uses this voltage to power
the PIIX4E/M-to-processor interface circuitry.
V_CLK is 2.5V. The system electronics uses this voltage to power the
HCLK[0:1] drivers for the processor clock.