MPEG-2 –
Error Check Point: After start code, zero packet length, and
packet data
Description: If the ERRORn signal is asserted during the start code, the
whole packet is skipped and the Preparser resynchronizes to the next
start code.
If the ERRORn signal is asserted during packet data, the Packet Error
Interrupt bit in Register 4 (
page 4-9
) is set, and INTRn is asserted if the
interrupt is not masked. The error data is removed and sequence error
start codes (0x0000.01B4) are injected into the packet. MPEG Audio Stream
MPEG-1 Audio –
Error Check Point: After start code detection, header
data and packet data
Description: If the ERRORn signal is asserted during the start code, the
whole packet is skipped and the Preparser resynchronizes to the next
start code.
If there is a syntax error in the header, the Packet Error Interrupt bit in
Register 4 (
page 4-9
) is set, and INTRn is asserted if the interrupt is not
masked. The remainder of the packet is skipped and the Preparser
resynchronizes to the next start code.
If the ERRORn signal is asserted during packet data, the Packet Error
Interrupt bit in Register 4 (
page 4-9
) is set, INTRn is asserted if the
interrupt is not masked, and the error data is stored anyway.
MPEG-2 Audio –
Error Check Point: At start code detection and during
packet data
Description: If the ERRORn signal is asserted during the start code, the
whole packet is skipped and the Preparser resynchronizes to the next
start code.
If the ERRORn signal is asserted during packet data, the Packet Error
Interrupt bit in Register 4 (
page 4-9
) is set, INTRn is asserted if the
interrupt is not masked, and the error data is stored anyway.