32185/32186 Group Hardware Manual
Rev.1.10 REJ09B0235-0110 May 15, 07
Thus, for a 10-bit resolution A/D Converter where C2 = 2.9 pF, C1 is 0.06 F or more. Use this value
for reference when setting up C1.
(b) Maximum value of the output impedance R1 when C1 is not added
If the external capacitor C1 in Figure 11.5.1 is not used, examination must be made to see if the
analog output device can fully charge C2 within a predetermined time. First, the equation to find i2
when C1 in Figure 11.5.1 does not exist is shown below.
i2 =
C2(E - V2)
- t
------------------------ Eq. B-1
× R1+ C2(R1+R2)
11.5 Notes on Using A/D Converter
(a) Example for calculating the external stabilizing capacitor C1 (addition of this capacitor is recommended)
Assuming the R1 in Figure 11.5.1 is infinitely large and that the current necessary to charge the
internal capacitor C2 is supplied from C1, if the potential fluctuation, Vp, caused by capacitance divi-
sion of C1 and C2 is to be within 0.1 LSB, then what amount of capacitance C1 should have. For a 10-
bit A/D Converter where VREF0 is 5.12 V, 1 LSB determination voltage = 5.12 V/1,024 = 5 mV. The
potential fluctuation of 0.1 LSB means a 0.5 mV fluctuation.
Vp is also obtained by the equation below:
The relationship between the capacitance division of C1 and C2 and the potential fluctuation,
Vp, is obtained by the equation below:
C1 + C2
Vp =
× (E - V2)
Eq. A-1
Vp = Vp1
Eq. A-2
× 2×
x - 1
i = 0
where Vp1 = potential fluctuation in the first A/D conversion performed
and x = 10 for a 10-bit resolution A/D converter
When Eq. A-1 and Eq. A-2 are solved, the following results:
E - V2
C1 = C2 {
- 1 }
Eq. A-3
∴ C1 > C2 {10 × 2×
- 1 }
Eq. A-4
x - 1
i = 0
Conversion time
for the first bit
Sampling time
Repeated (10 times) for 10 bits
Second bit
Sampling time
When sample-and-hold
is disabled
* When sample-and-hold is enabled, the analog input is sampled for only the first bit.
Figure 11.5.2 A/D Conversion Timing Diagram
Figure 11.5.2 shows an A/D conversion timing diagram. C2 must be charged up within the sampling
time shown in this diagram. When the sample-and-hold function is disabled, the sampling time for the
second and subsequent bits is about half that of the first bit.
The sampling times at the respective conversion speeds are listed in the table 11.5.1. Note that when
the sample-and-hold function is enabled, the analog input is sampled for only the first bit.