L64005 MPEG-2 Audio/Video Decoder Technical Manual
Final Rev F
Copyright 1996 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Interframe Compression/Decompression. These techniques, including
MPEG, encode the differences between successive frames. This process
suits motion video that does
not require frame-by-frame editing.
Intraframe Compression/Decompression. These techniques, including
JPEG, encode each frame independently. This process suits motion
video that does require frame-by-frame editing.
Interlaced Scan. Displays odd lines in a frame, then displays even lines.
Inverse Quantization. Scaling up of previously quantized data into
larger-range numbers.
IS. International Standard.
ISDN. Integrated Services Digital Network.
ISO. International Standards Organization.
ITU-TSS. International Telecommunications Union, Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (known as CCITT before March 1, 1994). The
ITU-TSS is responsible for making technical recommendations about
telephone and data (including fax) communications systems. Every four
years they hold plenary sessions where they adopt new standards; there
was one in 1992.
JPEG. Joint Photographic Experts Group. JPEG also refers to a multipart
standard (ISO/IEC IS 10918) that the group has nalized for still-frame
Lossless (noiseless) Compression. Technique that ensures original
data is completely recoverable.
Lossy (noisy) Compression. Technique that does
not ensure original
data is completely recoverable.
Luminance. Brightness of an image (Y portion of a YUV signal). See
MPEG. Moving Picture Experts Group. Also the name of a multipart stan-
dard the group is currently developing for full-motion, color video.
Motion Compensation. Image compression that takes into consider-
ation partial image shifts that are due to motion.