1.2 A Programmable Device Power Supply
with Integrated 16-Bit Level Setting DACs
Data Sheet
Rev. D
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Programmable device power supply (DPS)
FV, MI, MV, FNMV functions
5 internal current ranges (on-chip R
±5 A, ±25 A, ±250 A, ±2.5 mA, ±25 mA
2 external high current ranges (external R
EXTFORCE1: ±1.2 A maximum
EXTFORCE2: ±500 mA maximum
Integrated programmable levels
All 16-bit DACs: force DAC, comparator DACs, clamp DACs,
Programmable Kelvin clamp and alarm
Offset and gain correction registers on-chip
Ramp mode on force DAC for power supply slewing
Programmable slew rate feature, 1 V/μs to 0.3 V/μs
DUTGND Kelvin sense and alarm
25 V FV span with asymmetrical operation within 22 V/+25 V
On-chip comparators
Gangable for higher current
Guard amplifier
System PMU connections
Current clamps
Die temperature sensor and shutdown feature
On-chip diode thermal array
Diagnostic register allows access to internal nodes
Open-drain alarm flags (temperature, current clamp, Kelvin
SPI-/MICROWIRE-/DSP-compatible interface
64-lead (10 mm × 10 mm) TQFP with exposed pad (on top)
72-ball (8 mm × 8 mm) flip-chip BGA
Automatic test equipment (ATE)
Device power supply
The AD5560 is a high performance, highly integrated device
power supply consisting of programmable force voltages and
measure ranges. This part includes the required DAC levels to
set the programmable inputs for the drive amplifier, as well as
clamping and comparator circuitry. Offset and gain correction
is included on-chip for DAC functions. A number of program-
mable measure current ranges are available: five internal fixed
ranges and two external customer-selectable ranges (EXTFORCE1
and EXTFORCE2) that can supply currents up to ±1.2 A and
±500 mA, respectively. The voltage range possible at this high
current level is limited by headroom and the maximum power
dissipation. Current ranges in excess of ±1.2 A or at high
current and high voltage combinations can be achieved by
paralleling or ganging multiple DPS devices. Open-drain
alarm outputs are provided in the event of overcurrent,
overtemperature, or Kelvin alarm on either the SENSE or
DUTGND line.
The DPS functions are controlled via a simple 3-wire serial
interface compatible with SPI, QSPI, MICROWIRE, and DSP
interface standards running at clock speeds of up to 50 MHz.