TMXF28155 Supermapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Data Sheet
June 2002
Agere Systems Inc.
17 TMUX Functional Description
TMUX_J1MONMODE[1:0] = 100: The user will program the 64 expected values of J1 in
TMUX_EXPJ1DMON[1—3][1—64][7:0] (
Table 144 on page 124
Table 145
, and
Table 146
), in SONET framing
mode, where the first expected byte (the byte following the 0x0A character) is written into the first location of
TMUX_EXPJ1DMON[1][7:0]. The TMUX performs a byte-by-byte comparison of the incoming J1 sequence with
the stored expected value. If different, the TMUX will set the path trace identifier state bit(s),
TMUX_RTIMP[1—3]. Any change to the path trace identifier is reported in TMUX_RTIMPD[1—3] with interrupt
mask bits, TMUX_RTIMPM[1—3].
TMUX_J1MONMODE[1:0] = 101: The user will program the 16 expected values of J1 in
EXPJ1DMON[1—16][7:0] in SDH framing mode, where the first byte of the message has the MSB set to 1. The
TMUX performs a byte-by-byte comparison of the incoming J1 sequence with the stored expected value. If differ-
ent, the TMUX will set the path trace identifier state bit(s), TMUX_RTIMP[1—3]. Any change to path trace identi-
fier is reported in register bits, TMUX_RTIMPD[1—3] with interrupt mask bits, TMUX_RTIMPM[1—3].
TMUX_J1MONMODE[1:0] = 110 and 111 are currently undefined.
B3 BIP-8 Check.
A B3 BIP-8 even parity is computed over all the incoming synchronous payload envelope bits of
the STS-3/STM-1/STS-1 signal after descrambling, and compared to the B3 byte received in the next frame. The
total number of B3 BIP-8 bit errors (raw count), or block errors (as determined by TMUX_BITBLKB3 (
Table 105 on
page 97
), is counted. Upon the configured performance monitor (PM) interval, the value of the internal running
counter is placed into holding registers TMUX_B3ECNT[1—3][15:0] (
Table 136 on page 121
) and then cleared.
Depending on the value of SMPR_SAT_ROLLOVER (
Table 77 on page 70
) in the microprocessor interface block,
the internal counter will either roll over or stay at its maximum value until cleared.
Signal Label C2 Byte Monitor.
The C2 byte per STS-1/STM-1 is stored in TMUX_C2MON[1—3][7:0] (
Table 114
on page 103
). Each register will be updated after a number, determined by the value in TMUX_CNTDC2[3:0]
Table 109 on page 101
), of consecutive frames of identical C2 bytes for a given STS-1/STM-1, i.e., the 8-bit pat-
tern must be identical for a programmed number frames prior to updating the C2 register. Any change to C2 byte
monitor is reported via the corresponding delta and mask register bits, TMUX_RC2MOND[1—3] (
Table 93
) and
Table 97 on page 91
In addition, there are programmable expected value(s) for the C2 bytes of each STS-1/STM-1 in
TMUX_C2EXP[1—3][7:0] (
Table 110 on page 102
). If the current value of a C2 byte in TMUX_C2MON[1—3][7:0]
does not equal the expected C2 value in TMUX_C2EXP[1—3][7:0]), then a payload label mismatch defect may be
declared for that STS-1/STM-1 in TMUX_RPLMP[1—3] (
Table 102 on page 94
). Also, if the current value of a
C2 byte is all zeros, then the corresponding unequipped defect is declared in TMUX_RUNEQP[1—3] (
Table 102
The payload label mismatch and unequipped defects are mutually exclusive and unequipped takes priority.
Table 536
describes the conditions for generating payload label mismatch (TMUX_RPLMP[1—3]) and
unequipped defects (TMUX_RUNEQP).